Makius fortress

The Makius fortress is situated at a prominent and strategic bend in the Elaris River, the river is a vital waterway in the Empire of Dercia.   The fortress is perched on a rocky outcrop that rises from the riverbank, this provides the fortress with a commanding view of the river bend and the surrounding valley, the river itself meanders through dense forests and fertile plains providing support for thriving agricultural communities.   The fortress is constructed of locally quarried black stone, has tall walls and several towers and battlements, and the large gatehouse supports a large heavy reinforced wooden door.   Inside the fortress, there are barracks enough for 100 legionaries, armouries, storerooms as well as a small temple dedicated to the goddess Mara The storerooms maintain enough supplies so that in times of sieges or other external threats the fortress can act as a refuge against the world for the soldiers inside and other refugees that might have sought refuge there. In times when there have been conflict in other parts of the Empire, the fortress has been acting as a refuge for those displaced by the wars, the fortress acted as a home for the displaced people of The Nilid People when they made their way into the Empire after being displaced from their homes in the Principality of Clifia    The fortress's history dates back to the early expansion of the Dercian Empire, due to the strategic location of the fortress it was able to have a commanding presence over a lot of newly conquered territory and in its early history it was subjected to a few sieges, the fortress was able to withstand the sieges and earned a reputation of being able to withstand any siege.   Over the years as the region got more pacified, the purpose of the fortress shifted from being about control to that of protection and at some point in time a small village began growing around the fortress and the bend in the river as the place was suited well for a place for traders and craftsmen to meet and trade.    according to a local legend, the bend of the river was created by a local river god to hide a powerful artefact from their rivals.
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Jul 11, 2024 19:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, a legend about a powerful artefact, eh?   I love the idea that the fortress was used as a home for displaced peoples and not just as a fortress.

Jul 11, 2024 21:02

Thank you :) I may have forgotten the prompt when I wrote the article and had to find a way for it to act as a refuge :D

Jul 11, 2024 21:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Haha, well it worked out for the best XD