Mara´s Statue

In the decades following The Decade of 5 Emperors some wealthy noble in the city of Hesperia had commissioned a statue of the goddess Mara, it was to be made out of the best and most beautiful marble the Empire of Dercia could provide.   When the statue was finished, it was then loaded onboard a cargoship going to a harbour city near Hesperia, after which it was to be loaded on to a cart and transported the rest of the way to be placed in the courtyard of the noble.    During the transport overland, the statue made a stop in a small village named Ferrum, and during the night, the village was attacked by some of the few remnants of the army of the rebel queen that was still around, they plundered the village and during the process destroyed the cart with the statue. Due to the size of the statue, it was impossible to simply lift the statue onto a new cart and continue the journey so the noble sent for an overseer who could construct a crane to lift it with but the overseer never arrived and for some reason, it was never followed up on.   sometime later while still waiting for the noble to come get his statue, some of the villagers suggested that they raise the statue in its correct position, they argued that while the noble sorted out his noble business, they might as well enjoy the expensive statue of the most revered goddess of the Empire.   So to this day, some 160 years after the end of the war, the statue of Mara still stands in the small village of Ferrum.
Monument / Statue, Large

Cover image: by Jebulon


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Aug 12, 2024 13:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Haha, I wonder why the noble never came and got his statue. I think it's really cool that the small village now has such a great landmark because of it. :D

Aug 12, 2024 16:00

In my headcanon, the noble might have been caught up in some of the "clean-up" following the civil war, when the loyalists were searching for those who had supported the rebels

Sep 4, 2024 03:48 by Bart Weergang

" they argued that while the noble sorted out his noble business " LOL