
Morrguls are winged creatures that resemble vultures, their feathers are extremely flexible and are highly sought after by hunters for the guiding feathers on their arrows, their feathers can take all sorts of colours, the most common are dark grey, with more rarer colours being white.   They live in the ancient ruins that are scattered throughout Mirateia, they have made these ruins their nesting places and from here they seek decay and rot. Their are stories that they originate from the coastal waters of the Kingdom of Kistals and that they from here spread out to inhabit ruins all over the continent during the age of the Ancient Empire.   They are primarily scavengers and will feed on carrion and the remnants of large animals that have perished, either as the result of old age or disease or the result of other animals' hunts. They have keen senses of smell that are used to locate food sources and it's known that they can smell a dead animal from 10 kilometers away.   In the Empire of Dercia Morrguls are seen as harbingers of death and decay, while they are seen as useful or the natural cycle, they are feared by the majority of cultures within the Empire while in others they are seen as the eyes and ears of the Lady of the Dark.
Breeding Season
Late part of the rainy season   Gestation Period
3 months   Litter size
1-2 chicks   Parental Care
Both parents care for the chicks until they are at around 6 months old, coinciding with the start of the rain season.

Cover image: by Carlos Delgado


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Aug 1, 2024 23:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them. I can see why they might be feared, though.

Aug 2, 2024 00:05

They are weirdly cute