
The Norlians are a coastal people that live on the southern shores of the Empire of Dercia    The people typically appear fair-skinned but due to their time spent at sea, their hair colours range from a sandy blond to a dark brown colour, likewise, their eye colours range from blue to green.   The Norlian people have a rich maritime culture and are renowned for their shipbuilding, many of the great shipbuilders in the Dercian navy are Norlians. Likewise, they are also known for their navigators who are said to be able to find their way in all kinds of weather, and their fishermen who are said to sail further out into the ocean than any other fishermen along the coasts.   Their festivals also attract many people with the festivals revolving around the sea, boat races and fishing competitions, and rituals dedicated to honouring the sea gods.   The local language of the Norlians is melodious and fluid which has led many people to employ the Norlians as singers as it's believed that the Norlians accent in the Dercian language are one of the most beautiful ones in the Empire, the Norlian singers are often believed to be larger than life.   One of the most revered traditions of the Norlian people is a tradition known as the Tide festival, the festival was created to celebrate the return of the year fishing season and involves events such as music and competitions as well as their fishing fleet being blessed by their religious leaders.   The name Norlians is derived from the word Norli which is an ancient word the Crienia had for this region, During their conquest towards the south, the Crienia encountered a lot of unknown people and when asked if there was anyone living along the coast that they needed to know about, one of the encountered people told them about the Norlians, but the Crienia misinterpreted the name to Norli and when they then encountered the Norlians and they learned their real name they mistook them for another people besides the Norli.


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Jul 14, 2024 15:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They sound like an interesting people. It's fun that their accent is thought of to be beautiful - it's a nice change from people hating accents.