
Oasis is a small hamlet located in the wide part of a river valley, during the dry season it is home to just a handful of families, but after the first few weeks of the rain season, once the worst of the rain had fallen, the small hamlet grows to the size of a minor town as merchants, circuses and other forms of entertainment make their way towards the town.   It's not known why Oasis has been chosen as the place where visitors can almost get their wildest dream fulfilled but the local stories say that the place was originally not inhabited and that it was not as much chosen as it just happened and then happened again the following years, the place was the best for wagons to cross the river.   At some point in time, some of the merchants decided that it was worth the effort and decided to settle down at the river crossing. They then named their new home Oasis as it is far away from any major towns or settlements with only small farmsteads lying relatively close by.   The food visitors can get at the Oasis ranges from all over the world, only depending on which visiting merchants come by during the three weeks were Oasis is transferred into a pleasure city. During the quiet months the small hamlet stores plenty of Pickled vegetables, smoked or salted meats, and dried fruits and the women of Oasis have become famous for their ability to transfer these products into tasty treats and dishes that they then sell to the visitors.   But while they are known for their ability to turn preserved food into fantastical dishes, one of the dishes the hamlet sells most of during the event is a dish made from dried fruits that is placed under a rotating spear with meat on and the liquid from the meat as it is roasted drips down to the fried fruit and gives it a unique taste, the fruit is then served alongside a slide of the meat.   Rumors have it that one of the Dercian monarchs once visited the hamlet during the event under disguise just to taste this dish.
Founding Date
60 during dry season, thousands during rain season.


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Jul 23, 2024 00:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Reading this article made my mouth water. Sounds like a lovely place.

Jul 23, 2024 06:17


Aug 25, 2024 15:27 by Paul

Reminds me of both Burning Man and Tobermory. Hard to imagine being in a place where the population multiplies that many times for a short period, must be incredible.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 25, 2024 20:16

From what I remember, my inspiration was events like Burning Man and other festivals that are located next to a small village or city, and yeah it must be quite an experience   ps. love your Spice&Wolfe profile picture :)