
Ochanalia is a small tradition that takes place on the southern islands.   The tradition is relatively new, only coming into existence within the last 50 years, the tradition came about during a period of upheaval in the region, large tropical storms were appearing multiple times a year instead of the normal amount of once a year.   The tradition started by a group of villages on one of the southern isles, that had gathered together in one of the caves above the village, During the wait for one of the many storms to pass, the villagers had started a small fire after which they gathered the children around the fire where they were handed sticks that had been cleaned in one end, at the end of this stick the adults had placed Nubemora, a small mallow-like fruit that grows in the region along the southern isles and the southern coastal region, they have a light, airy texture and sweetness, they can be eaten both fresh or like in the case of the villagers in the cave, roasted over an open fire, which results in a caramelized skin and the insides become gooey.   After the storms had passed, the kids kept asking for roasted Nubemora but as the villagers were busy rebuilding their island, they didn't have time so the kids took it into their own hands and they returned to the cave where they started a small fire and gathered around roasting Nubemora and telling scary stories.   Within a few years, it had evolved into a kid's tradition where the older kids, from the age of 12 and up, met up in a cave and roasted cloudberries and told stories and each year a few more kids who had reached the unofficial age required, were invited to the cave. Sometimes the kids invite an adult with them if they learn that the adult have a particularly scary story to tell.

Cover image: by [Tycho]


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Jul 14, 2024 00:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a cute tradition. I love that sometimes adults are invited if they have a good enough story. XD

Jul 14, 2024 00:40

Thanks, its probably my favorite article so far xD

Aug 20, 2024 00:36 by Deleyna Marr

Love it! Stories and S'mores!
