
Rakthon is a staple dried meat product for those on the road, like travellers, legionaries and adventures.   Rakthon is typically made of Venison, boar or goat, with wild goats being the preferred as it's believed to have a better overall taste compared to Rakthon made of tame goat. There are a region in the Flora Valley that are known for its Rakthon made out of geese, said to be an acquired taste.   While some prefer it without any added, the most common seasonings are Salt, garlic, Thalria Herb, and rosemary. Depending on where one lives in Mirateia, the preferred way to enhance the shelf life of Rakthon in the Empire of Dercia is with the use of a mix of spices and herbs that helps extend the shelf life of the meat.   In preparation for a longer journey, Rakthon is first cured with salt and spices, this process can either take several days or only 12 hours if one is in the wilderness of Mirateia, but for a well-prepared version, it will take days and when it has dried and the meat has been infused with the taste from the herbs and spices, it then hung to dry in well-ventilated huts, villages typically have a large communal hut for this purpose, it's left to dry for several weeks until it has reached the desired texture. In some regions the meat is smoked, this is commonly found among the elves of Dercia.   Rakthon is often stored in tightly sealed leather pouches or waxed cloth bags to protect it from moisture and pests, in households, it may be stored in clay jars with a layer of olive oil on top to further preserve its freshness. It can be rehydrated and used in stews, soups, or as a flavorful addition to various dishes.   Recipes for Rakthon vary by region and family, with secret spice blends and curing techniques passed down through generations.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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Aug 1, 2024 05:03 by Dimitris Havlidis

Very nice wild game Jerky by the way "alt and species" I think you mean spices?

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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Aug 1, 2024 05:40

Indeed Thanks for the spot :)

Aug 12, 2024 13:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that different areas have different recipes - I love the thought of the goose rakthon that is an acquired taste! :D

Aug 12, 2024 15:58

Thanks :)