
Runhares can be found all over the continent of Mirateia although they are not natural to the natural order. No one is quite sure when they appeared on the earth's surface, but there are mosaics and written sources dating back to around 2000 years B.I.C where they are described as a mixture of a Rexbit and a somewhat larger Raggle.    They are in the sources described as having been bred to create a bigger and more docile creature for an easy meat supply.   In the wild, they can seem to prefer the open grasslands, meadows and lightly foresting areas between the grassland and the dense forests, within these areas they are often seen near the rivers and lakes.   While the Runhares are not natural in the wild they were able to adapt quickly and within a few generations they were able to adapt to the wild quickly they can now be found in many colourings with the most common ones being light brown to light grey. The rare colourings are what some fur traders like to call "cold golden", these colours are very rare, only appearing in 1 out of 1000 Runhares if captured the hunters are to fetch a good pouch of coins.   One of the main dishes made that are made with the Runhare are a dish known by many names and its particularly popular in the rural regions of the Empire of Dercia  Braised Runhare Stew is often served during festivals and family gatherings, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. It is considered a dish that brings people together, celebrating both the bounty of the land and the skill of the cook.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Breeding Season: Spring and early summer.
About 30 days.
Litter Size: 3-5 leverets (young).
6-8 years in the wild about twice in captivity.
Conservation Status
Common and widespread, not currently at risk.
Average Weight
3-4 kg
Average Length
50-70 cm with males and females being about the same size.


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Jul 18, 2024 13:15 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love hares! I love the phrase 'cold golden' to describe a colouring. Really can picture that.

Jul 18, 2024 14:34

Thank you :)

Jul 18, 2024 15:21 by Tillerz

Hares for the win! \o/