Solaria Character in Mirateia | World Anvil


Solaria is the embodiment of the sun, she is said to embody radiance, warmth and vitality, Solaria is one of the oldest deities worshipped in the Starlighters Pantheon and she is seen as the head of the pantheon.   Back at the beginning of times, before civilization, mortals lived in huts and dangers lured just outside the reach of their fireplaces, and they longed for the embrace of the sun to rise about the horizon again and every time they went to bed, they sent a prayer to the heavens and each morning Solaria raised the sun and let it run over the heavens, mortals gazed upon Solaria's celestial grace, honouring her as the beacon of hope, vitality, and the eternal cycle of renewal. Thus, she became the revered sun goddess, revered across the empire, as her divine light continued to bless the land and its people

Domain and Influence:

  As a patron of vitality and growth, Solaria is revered by farmers, healers, and those seeking inspiration and renewal. Her blessings are sought for bountiful harvests, fertility, and the success of new endeavours. While she has worshippers among those that need the sun's light for their daily life, she is in general worshipped by the majority of the population alongside other deities.  

Mythology and Lore:

  Myths surrounding Solaria often depict her as a benevolent and nurturing deity, blessing mortals with warmth and guidance. Tales surrounding her might speak of her struggle against darkness or encounters with other celestial beings, emphasizing her role in maintaining the cosmic balance.    There are several stories both oral and written that involve Solaria with other deities in the Starligters Pantheon like Gigia the goddess of nature.

Clergy and Temples:

  Temples dedicated to Solaria boast grand architecture, designed to capture sunlight during certain hours, creating mesmerizing displays within their sanctuaries. In terms of temple grandeur, in the major cities of the Empire of Dercia Solarias temples only true rival are those of the goddess Mara.  Her clergy, consisting of priests and priestesses that are conducting rituals on important days of the year, offer guidance and oversee sacred ceremonies.
Differences: In the Empire of Dercia, the deity of the sun is worshipped as a woman while in other parts of Mirateia, it is a man.   Highest deity but not the main While Solaria is worshipped as the head of the Pantheon, its the goddess of Peace & War that holdest the title as main patron of the Dercian Empire.
Radiant golden hair


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Dec 9, 2023 15:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that her temples are designed to capture sunlight. They must look beautiful at the right times of day. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet