Star homes

Among some religious groups, it is believed that the stars that come out during the night are not just there to form the constellations of mythological heroes but that the stars are the homes of the many different gods worshipped in Mirateia.    The religious groups also believe that the more bright the stars are shining, the more worshipped the deity is and that the very faint stars are the deities that are slowly fading to memory and that the only thing that keeps them from disappearing entirely is that maybe somewhere on the continent there is a forgotten temple still standing with their symbols on it. With this, it's also said some groups that the falling stars one can sometimes observe are the forgotten deities' realm falling to the earth. While this is a popular belief in these groups, it also receives resistance from other groups that believe that the falling stars are their deities descending to the realm of the mortals to help a worthy worshipper.   While many of the smaller religious groups believe this, it's not a belief held by any of the followers of the major deities. While the deities don't want to answer what the stars are, they have many times mentioned that they are not the realms of the deities and the realms of the deities exist on another plane of existence and that there are a few places in the world where the realm of the deities and the mortals intermingle and mortals can cross over.   When asked, many of those that believe that the stars are the realms of the deities say that it helps them bring some sort of meaning to the universe around them.

Variations & Mutation

Each religious group have their own version of what the stars are but the belief that they are the home of the deites are the most common and also have the most variations to be observed.

In Literature

Outside recruitment to these groups, the literature written about this topic in any serious form has mostly been to disprove the theory. especially the topic of what the fallen stars are.
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Jul 31, 2023 11:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, I love this myth so much. Believing that gods live in stars, and being able to look up and see a whole bunch of them... <3

Aug 10, 2023 19:34 by Deleyna Marr

This is beautiful and I can imagine your world's people staring up at the stars and wondering.

Aug 19, 2023 19:39 by Melissa

What an exciting concept! This sets us up to explore a world with many different gods with a great variety among them.