The Black Warden

In the vast and dense forests the Empire of Dercia the locals talk about a thing walking the forests, the few times when is spotted, it has always been at night and the locals say that it somehow feels like it disappears whenever the sun rises above the horizon.  
Whatever you do kiddo, if you hear armour clacking in the forest at night, get away from there as fast as possible
- Father giving advice to his son
  The few reports that exists of the Black Warden are that it seems to be clad in ancient, blackened armour and that it almost seems to absorb the light of the moon. The armour plates are described as being scarred and battered, but it's not only these marks that are left on the armour, there seems to be something far older on it, some faint, eerie symbols that have been etched into the metal and that one local describes as giving off a faint glow in the dark.   One young woman that were out in the forest harvesting mushrooms and lost track of time heard the Black Warden and described its steps as having an almost unnatural echo as if the earth itself recoiled from the weight of the armour.    Some young fools, a bit drunk after a pint too many in the local tavern, decided that they would be the ones to finally take down the Black Warden, only to disappear except for one, while scared so much that his soul almost left his body, he said that there was no face underneath the helmet, only a hollow void and yet it was as if it looked directly at them, he also mentioned that it was like whatever thing was inside the armour, didn't wear the armour, but that the armour wore its host.   Some say that it's a twisted relic of some forgotten war, cursed to wander endlessly, seeking... something.


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