
The Waia people were once great, spread out over most of western Dercia. They had a profound understanding of the magical energies that used to flow a large amount through the world.   One of the core beliefs of their culture was that all living beings were connected, and they tried to maintain a state of equilibrium in the lands they lived in. The people lived in settlements that almost melted into the landscape. If one were to find one self-flying, one would have trouble spotting a Waia settlement from the air. The only things that would give a settlement away would be the people walking around, leaving small walkways between the houses and the small patches of herb gardens.   The Waia people were skilled mages specialising in healing and druid craft. Most of the spells known today by the druids originated from the Waia, and even more, spells have been lost to time or have still been discovered by adventures.   No one is quite sure what caused the decline of the once great people, scholars have theorized that the decline began around the time the Ancient Empire were on the hight of its power but had yet to conquer the Dercian region, which would take place during the decline of the empire in an attempt to distract its population and stimulate the economy, but scholars think that the empire had released bands of bandits and agents into the region as a preparation of the future invasion to remove characters and beings that could prove a challenge for the empire.   Despite the decline of the Waia people, the people are still around today but due to the destruction of their cities and the murder of most of their most prominent people, they are only a shadow of their former self and most of their ancient spells are lost even to them, even if natural magic comes easier to them than others.

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Jul 21, 2023 19:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Nooo, poor Waia. :(   I love the thought that their settlements blended into the environment.