Bell Bardwell

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Lorekeeper of Mirielle

Lorekeeper Bell Bardwell

Bell Bardwell is a preeminent storyteller in the world of Mirielle, known far and wide for her ability to find the story behind legends, urban myths, inventions, and current or recent happenings as well as creating written records of oral traditions, songs, and folktales. She often focuses on absurd, amusing, and fantastical stories — always on the lookout for new stories that delight and surprise audiences.

Bell is popular in villages, towns, and cities, and often performs her stories at festivals, taverns, public gatherings, and even noble courts. Bell rapidly picks up new languages, grasping nuance easily, and her translation skills are often requested (and sometimes demanded).
Bell’s insatiable curiosity drives her to explore and learn. She loves delving into the mysteries and wonders of her adopted world. And despite Bell's well-known status and distinctive appearance, she somehow manages to discover new tales, ranging from mundane anecdotes to high level intrigue. She is discreet about her stories, though — neither offending the powerful nor exposing the common folk. Some people suspect that she uses illusions or disguises when gathering the more confidential or problematic stories.


According to Bell herself, she found herself in a forest, without any memory of how she had gotten there or even where she was from. She only knew her name was Bell (no last name), that she wore clothing suitable for a traveller, and was reasonably skilled with the weapons she carried.

She wandered to a nearby village. Her cheerful manner and upbeat attitude quickly endeared her to the entire village. Despite her odd appearance (none of them had seen anyone so short or with pointed ears), the friendly folk took her in and helped her adapt to her new life and world. They assumed that she was glitched and came from one of the worlds that, from time to time, erratically shifted individuals and creatures into their world.
Bell never regained her memory, but figured that her inquisitive nature had gotten her into trouble. During her stay at the village, she avidly listened to all the stories, myths, and folktales that the villagers could tell her. And she found that she could remember them with ease and retell them in an entertaining manner. She lived there for a number of years, until an old loremaster arrived, having heard of her storytelling abilities, and invited her to come with him (as his apprentice) and learn more of the loremaster skills.
She traveled for years with the old loremaster, journeying across Mirielle, seeking out hidden stories, forgotten legends, and oral folktales. They occasionally visited with other loremasters who also recognized her exceptional abilities. When the old loremaster finally passed on, he gave her his Loremaster's Satchel which signified she had become a master loremaster, just beneath the rank of Lorekeeper. At this point, the senior Lorekeepers for the regions each suggested that she come study with them. As she concluded her studies with each one, she was given the title of Lorekeeper for that region. Once she had studied with all five senior Lorekeepers, she was given the title of Lorekeeper of Mirielle.
(Side note: there are more than five regions in Mirielle, but these five regions claim that they are the most signficant.)
Current Status
Exploring Cardimur, gathering folk stories and myths
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lorekeeper of Mirielle
Unknown, appears young, but much, much older
Current Residence
Hazel brown
Braided dark brown
85 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Tell me more."

Cover image: Realms of Mirielle by Tulonsae using Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Bell by DaxThinksNot


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