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Nomad Artisans of Magical Trinkets

The Thryvani are a semi-nomadic people known for their colorful outfits, beaded adornments, painted faces, long braided hair, and as excellent crafters of exquisite items decorated with bits and pieces of Luminite Crystals.

Although the Thryvani have always traveled about, living for years on the outskirts of towns and villages, they still returned home to their sacred valley, Thryvalis, for large periods of their lives. Protecting the Wyrms and their habitat is an important part of Thryvani culture and so returning periodically to assist with this is part of every Thryvan’s duty.
When the airships came, the powerful leaders of Cardimur took over their valley, building an outpost where their representatives could manage the harvesting of crystals and other magical items. These managers believed that the Thryvani knew where the largest and best crystals were located. And many of the Thryvani left the valley for good rather than be subjected to constant questioning and threats. The majority of the Thryvani stopped thinking of themselves as travellers who always returned home (eventually). Instead, they now consider themselves a displaced people, destined to forever roam.
The Thryvani live as family groups in colorful caravans, normally on the outskirts of towns and villages, but sometimes in secluded encampments which have taken the place of their times in Thryvalis. They tend to stay in one location for years, typically for the length of time to raise a family, before moving onto another location or, in the past, returning to their hidden valley.
Their family life is rich with tradition and celebrating significant life events. They have strong familial support and obligations toward their people, their homeland, and the Wyrms. They are also a private people despite their outward flamboyant appearance. Their distinctive style of dress, combined with their finely crafted jewelry and accessories, makes it difficult for outsiders to distinguish one Thryvan from another, guarding their privacy and allowing them to secretly exchange their representatives and protectors of the hidden valley.
Related Locations

Cover image: A Thryvani Family by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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