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The Hidden Valley of Magical Bounty

Thryvalis, a sheltered and hidden valley in realm of Cardimur, is the homeland of the Thryvani, the last known habitat of Illumina Wyrms and the valuable Luminite Crystals they produce. Enclosed by steep mountains, Thryvalis is only accessible via two rivers that merge before exiting the valley. The valley floor is covered by a dense forest with a thick canopy that mostly conceals it from airborne inspection.

The highly magical valley is beautiful, with many species of flora and fauna, many magical in nature, and some quite rare. Grottos and caves shelter the Illumina Wryms and possibly other ancient creatures. Nearly everything in the valley contains trace amounts of magical essence. The Thryvani build their shelters within groves of trees as well as some of the larger caves, careful not to disturb the natural rhythm and order of the valley’s ecosystem.
The Thryvani successfully kept the location of the valley and the existence of the Wyrms secret for generations. Although they used tiny Luminite Crystals in their crafted goods, they claimed they were scavenged from old caves throughout the mountains. Not everyone believed them. But the skeptical did not even dream that Illumina Wyrms still existed. They thought the Thryvani had found old grottos with the valuable crystals. Only no one could find their hidden valley — until a few years after the arrival of airships in Cardimur.
An airship expedition flew over the valley and sharp-eyed explorers noted something odd about it — a couple of unusual creatures near the river, some unusual plants in one of the few open meadows. Further investigation revealed that it possessed magical essence and contained Illumina Wyrms — which meant highly valuable Luminite Crystals (as opposed to the tiny crystals the Thryvani used).
The Thryvani were alarmed. In the past, the discovery of an Illumina Wyrm habitat had meant an overwhelming rush of miners eager to gather as many Luminite Crystals as they could find. As they over-mined the crystals, the number of Wyrms decreased, causing the miners to accelerate their mining to get the last crystals before others. This negative cycle would continue until the entire ecosystem collapsed, resulting in a valley with no magic, no crystals, and no Wyrms.
The Thryvani knew that Thryvalis had even more magic than other valleys, but was even more sensitive to ecological disruption. A few Thryvani leaders discretely contacted key leaders of Cardimur and explained that if they wished to always profit from the bounty of Thryvalis, they must practice conservation. The rulers agreed and signed a compact, forming a group from each of their lands along with a few Thryvani to ensure that the valley was not stripped of its magical resources.
Most of the Thryvani continued their normal existence outside of their homeland, with occasional visits to the valley. A few Thryvani continued to live in their carefully maintained shelters. And a singe building was constructed near the river’s exit for visiting outsiders.
Since the airships couldn’t land in Thryvalis without destroying some of the habitat, an outpost was setup outside the river exit (as it was the easiest way into the valley). Lodgings and administrative buildings were constructed in the outpost, and soon after, a supply store, stables, and so on — until it became a small village.
Relationships between visiting Thryvani and the outsiders are distant and somewhat strained. But the Thryvani know that they must tolerate these outsiders or other, much more destructive, outsiders will arrive.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hidden Valley
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Cover image: Thryvalis, the Hidden Valley by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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