It's been a while

There was a lot going on over the last weeks. I kind of finished my new CSS. Although I will most likely encounter one or two (or maybe even a lot more) things I can still improve. But for now I'm happy with it and it really looks different then before. This was only possible because I had the help of a loooooot of people, mainly from the German community and the #css-help channel on Discord.
  While working on the CSS of my world, I also improved the layout of my articles a lot. At least, I hope they improved :D
  I started to work on the article for the official September challenge on Monday. After first thinking to write about just a university I came up with a hopefully more creative idea. But that's not for me to decide. There are some pictures and a map, but I did not write a lot about the persons at the school, because it just would not fit into my way of writing my world. I mentioned some people, sure, but instead of forcing myself on writing something that I don't think fits the style of my articles, just to fit that challenge prompt, I decided to stay true to my way of doing things. So although this article might not be within it the top submissions of the challenge, I think it still is a good article. But decide for yourself:
Academy of Ithelion
Organization | Sep 12, 2024

  And on that terrible disappointment, I can continue to focus on my submission for Tyrdal's challenge, because that is going well so far and will hopefully be finished in time despite an upcoming three week vacation.
  PS: The map is not yet finished, there are some layers missing...


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Sep 12, 2024 17:19 by Mochi

Just so you know, the Institutions of Learning challenge requires an Organisation article, not a Building, so your article isn't submitted :(

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Sep 12, 2024 18:26

Thanks for letting me know. I copy-pasted the article into the right template and have even been changing the link in this article. Although this article was not supposed to be published ... it was just the WIP for my journal entry :D

Sep 12, 2024 20:50 by Secere Laetes

Nur um es mal zu sagen: Ich finde deinen Papierhintergrund einfach super. Damit kann man so schön lesen wie in einem Buch. Insgesamt wirkt vieles an deinem Design jetzt so, als hätte man eine von diesen Edelausgaben für RP oder auch andere Fanbereiche vor sich. Echt super. Wahrscheinlich wird ua dein Design eine Inspiration für mich werden.

Sep 13, 2024 05:19

Awwwww, freut mich zu hören, dass dir mein Design so gut gefällt. Ohne die vielen Menschen, die geholfen haben, wäre es nicht möglich gewesen. Lass dich ruhig inspirieren, ich hab nichts anderes gemacht.