

Khemerahl was founded in the year 637 of the Second Age. At that time, several exiled Seramkerdil decided to try their luck in the Shadowridge Mountains, which they also called Thandornilseramos. They wanted to be as far away as possible from their relatives in the Skyforge Mountains, so they traveled to Borendal. After a two-week voyage accross the sea and an additional short journey over land, the Kerdil finally reached the mountains that would become their new home.

The work progressed rapidly, and after just 47 years, enough space had been created in the mountain to accommodate the founding population of 134 souls. This achievement in such a relatively short time was not only due to manual labor but, of course, also to the use of Rune Magic. The news of a new, freer city for the Seramkerdil also spread in the old homeland. This led to more exiled Kerdil joining the young city. Some caste-less individuals also decided to try their luck on the other continent.


The population of Khemerahl consists mainly of the ancestors of exiled Seramkerdil. However, there are also a few Kadal from the neighboring Empire of Naj’jesia, and even the occasional Varjoperi has been heard of. Most of the peoples of Mirintha, however, find it difficult to permanently adapt to living underground, which is why the proportion of non-Seramkerdil residents remains limited. Currently, the population numbers 12,852 souls.
Council of Seven


Contrary to the tradition of their homeland, Khemerahl is not ruled absolutistically. It was precisely this form of government that originally led to the formation of castes, including the exclusion of the caste-less. The nobility was also appointed by the self-noble government, and any decision regarding banishment was made by the government. Instead, the city is governed by the Council of Seven. This council is composed of one elected representative from each of the seven castes: Warrior Caste, Smith Caste, Artisan Caste, Merchant Caste, Miner Caste, Artist Caste, and Bureaucrat Caste. The Noble Caste was deliberately excluded for the aforementioned reasons. Additionally, there were no nobles among the founders of Khemerahl, nor in the centuries that followed.

Due to this decision, the Servant Caste became obsolete, and the now necessary Bureaucrat Caste was introduced to support the Council of Seven in administrative and governmental matters. All decisions are made by the Council of Seven. For significant decisions, there are votes within the castes. However, such resolutions are rare, and most decisions are made by simple majority vote.


Khemerahl also differs from its counterparts in the Skyforge Mountains on this topic. Below sea level, the mines extend, while the residential and work levels are situated above. There are no designated areas for members of different castes; instead, everyone lives together in a mixed community. Only the forges and smelters are located separately from the other buildings on the opposite side of the main elevator.
1st floor of Khemerahl


As previously mentioned and as one might expect, Khemerahl is carved into the rock through a system of tunnels and shafts spanning multiple levels. Like the models of their homeland, broad main roads lead deep into the mountain, wide enough for two carts to travel side by side. From these roads, narrower streets branch off into the depths of the mountain.

The various levels of the city are connected by elevators. There are several elevators distributed throughout the city, but there is only one elevator along the main road that connects all levels. This primary elevator is mainly used by the merchants' and miners' carts to transport materials and goods to other levels. Those who need to overcome only a few levels opt for one of the smaller elevators or take the wide stairs directly.

To supply the city with water, pipelines were laid from an underground lake throughout the entire city. Using massive screw pumps, the water is pumped to the various levels, where it is then distributed via aqueducts. To power the pumps, the inhabitants use Tilmanus cattle, which they brought from their old homeland and have continued to breed. For those who have never had the chance to see such an animal, it should be noted that these are specially bred cattle with a shoulder height of only 120 cm but are often stronger than their common counterparts.

Khemerahl is illuminated through a sophisticated system of mirrors. Daylight hits large mirrors, which then reflect the light to further mirrors, and so on. For this purpose, special openings were made in the mountain.


Due to its natural location within the mountain, Khemerahl is already well-protected against attackers. The only entrance is on the southern side of the city, facing the Empire of Naj’jesia. Since the Seramkerdil of Khemerahl have established a non-aggression pact with the Kadal, there is little threat from that direction.

The western access, through which the founders of Khemerahl originally entered the mountain, was sealed off when the humans of the Willenberg Republic spread and advanced closer to the mountains. Nonetheless, the grand entrance hall is guarded by the Warrior Caste. Defensive installations have also been set up at the entrance area purely as a precaution. These installations have been integrated discreetly to avoid ruining the magnificent appearance of the hall. However, an observant eye will still notice numerous arrow slits for crossbows and ballistae lining the walls.

The openings that allow light to enter are guarded in a similar manner. In addition to these conventional measures, the dwarves also utilize defensive strategies involving Rune Magic, about which they provide no information to outsiders. Therefore, we can only speculate on the forms of defense that might be employed in this context.

Cover image: by CrazyEddie with MJ


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Aug 11, 2024 17:29 by Secere Laetes

Ich finde es immer wieder beeindruckend, wie viel Liebe du in deine Artikel steckst. Ja, ich weiß, dass machen viele, Blue ja etwa auch, aber trotzdem. Ein Bild, wo extra Eddie geholfen hat. Eine Map. Eine Zeichnung. Und den Text, in den du so viele Gedanken gesteckt hast. Ich finde es schön, wie du die Gesellschaft her aus ihrer Geschichte heraus begründest. Warum es keinen Adel gibt, sonst auch keine Alleinentscheider sind, sondern einen Rat haben, warum alle zusammen leben. Gefällt mir echt gut. Alles in allem ist der Artikel damit in meiner Reading Challenge gelandet ^^.

Aug 18, 2024 09:42

Ich komme irgendwie jetzt erst zum Antworten. Danke für den lieben Kommentar und es freut mich, dass dir der Artikel gefällt und sich die Mühe gelohnt hat. Auch wenn gar nicht alles drin ist, was rein sollte, aber am Ende ging die Zeit aus.

Aug 18, 2024 13:30 by Secere Laetes

Oh? dann bin ich echt gespannt, wenn noch was dazu kommt, solltest du Zeit finden ^^.

Aug 18, 2024 20:46

Da musst du dich noch ein wenig gedulden. Ich habe noch so viele Ideen im Kopf, das ich nicht genau weiß, was ich als erstes mache :D

Aug 18, 2024 09:25

Es ist toll mitzuerleben, wie Deine Welt langsam Gestalt annimmt und ich finde es schön, wie dieser Artikel einen ersten Einblick mit vielen Aspekten über Geschichte, Infrastruktur und Verteidigung gewährt. Super auch die kleine Karte und Deine Zeichnung zum Aufbau der Etagen. Mir gefallen auch der Ring der Wappen. Sehr gut gemacht.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 18, 2024 09:44

Viel langsamer, als mir lieb ist. Da sind noch so viele Ideen im Kopf, die noch „zu Papier“ gebracht werden wollen … Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar.