Okay, so WorldEmber is coming up. Last year I took part, but wasn't able to finish. This year I will try to complete the 10k words. But what will be different this year?
Well, first and foremost, I will do this homework thingy. Because I think, it will indeed help me to be more focused during the actual writing phase. So, let's start with week one and then keep this article updated every week.
Week 1: Pledge your goal
As you can see in the header picture, I "only" pledged to the minimum of 10.000 words. Which is more than enough for me, looking at the typical length of my articles.
Then there is the focus. First I thought I will primarily write about the magic of Mirintha. But, while writing about fire magic this month for a challenge, I realised this was not a good idea. So I thought, maybe not focus on anything specific, so I will be more flexible. But I was given the advice, to set a focus that is big enough to still have a lot of options, while also limiting yourself a bit. Like a continent. Which is exactly what I will do now. This gives me the opportunity to write about several people and locations and everything that is related to it, but I might not get to distracted with suddenly starting to write about my pantheon.
So, why exactly a continent? Because to set up a campaign for P&P I need a location to even start. And a place where the group can go. Also, I need a place for all my people to live in and I already have figured this out ... more or less at least. And although a pantheon is nice and also important, it is not really necessary to have them all written down in detail.
Home work for this week also mentioned meta, but I just did this for SC so I will not do anything new here. And therefore I already finished home work for week one.
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Good luck hitting 10k, I believe in you! :D