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Alisay Disease


The Disease Alisay is a disease known to affect people and wildlife in a way that causes their eventual demise. It has been known since times before history. Alisay is typically tracable to a fungus or virus that infects crops or other plants that when eaten, causes memory loss and seizures. It is most commonly found in Enzhial.


Behavior and Concerns

It is a disease that spreads on plants and has degenerative effects on animals when they are exposed to it. The disease takes the form of a dark purplish or reddish fuzzy growths on the plant. This disease can infect crops, grasses, etc.
Adverse Effects
The disease is particularly dangerous due to the fact that it can infect food stores, flowers, and even tea leaves causing sickness and possible mental decay among those who consume enough. One problem of concern is that those who burn down stores containing the diseased crops often get adverse effects as well from the spores, which if exposed for long enough can cause blindness.


Ancient Beliefs
Alisay was initially thought to be a disease that ruined crops and trees, causing those in contact with it to become possessed by spirits. In the ancient days, all crops with it would simply be burned by the ancient Marin who thought it was evil.
Modern Beliefs
Through exposure and experimentation, the Marin alchemist known as Toshewa discovered in 500 that the disease is able to be fermented into an edible product usable in the crafting of potions. He learned this by studying a similar benign blight on plants down in Quemossu before returning to Hoamai to complete his work. Occasionally outbreaks of it will cause famine, hysteria, and minor deaths in regions.


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