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Aremi an Ilsairi

Aremi Izara an Ilsairi, Founder of the Imperial Dynasty


Birth and Young Life

Aremi was born to a poorer Ingharan family approximately around the year 20 before the founding of Soranna. It is said that his family were servants of the dynasty of Usorring, prior to fleeing southwards after the fall of the Usshilu. He was said to have been born with heterochromia, with one purple and one silver eye. This was heralded as a good sign, and he was celebrated throughout his home village of Bural. As he grew older, he began to learn the trades of his parents and served as a loyal son prior to a conflict engulfing and destroying his village. In this, his parents were slain but not before sending him away to the south. Around the age of seven, he arrived as an orphan to the village of Itsosin. There he was taken in by a fisherman and taught the fisherman's trade as a child. He trained with the local guardsmen and studied under the shamans in his teenage years.

Rise to Power

Leading up to the year 0, the lord of the fortress town of Miise went to subjugate the village and extort them for tribute. Aremi stood alone against the army and claimed that his people had nothing left to give due to a recent storm destroying much of the fishing equipment and crops. Despite his pleas, the lord got off his chariot and went to slay the villager. A divine light overcame Aremi as he disarmed the king using his fishing spear; the result of the duel was rejected by the army commander Muran (Also called Niran) who killed him and demanded his guards subdue the young man. Some of the army, fearing the previous king's cruelty, proclaimed Aremi as their new lord and fighting began among the warriors. The fighting ended when Aremi brought up a great wall of flame around commander Muran, killing him and stopping the battle by seperating the warriors. From his body, divine energy shot out in an armor that weaved its away from his head to toe, his eyes changed to gold and silver, and he spoke with a voice that echoed throughout the lands oredering the fighting to halt. He was proclaimed Iksaira on the spot by the men, a title that had not been used for a living person ever.

Rule and Later Years

Aremi was brought to Miise and declared the new ruler. He returned to Itsosin, and ordered that a new city be built off the coast on a series of swampy islands. Over the next few years, his city would be built as Sora'eanna meaning city of the sky. He would be challenged by various local rulers who he would defeat. An Ischurri warrior named Li'iaraki approached the young lord and pledged his service, becoming a great friend to him as they fought many battles together. Li'araki's sister would marry Aremi and they would have a son named Kezha (Kesha) Isari. While his wife raised the child, Aremi campaigned into the Gendur with Li'araki and defeated the legendary warlord Orasshagin. After this, Li'araki led an army to pacify the necromancer kings of his homeland while Aremi stayed home and thus began the Soranni Peace, as the homeland of Soranna was united for the first time in many years and all of the conflicts of the dynasty were outside the borders of Soranna and the lower Gendur. After many years, Aremi would abdicate for his son Kezha and he would disappear from the historical record, with many saying he ascended to godhood atop Mt. Ishkerr.  
“It is said that Aremi was the first Ilsairi, not much is known about his ancestors but some of his line in Ischurrai claim descent from ancient Ingharan courts.
Aremi was born to a poor family and his mother was widowed when his father fought off a soldier entering their home as they escaped. Aremi is said to have moved to a peninsula known at the time as Sur'adra or Sky's Edge. Here his family joined the local fishing community and were taken in lovingly. As he grew up he learned from the village elder how to perform magic and duties of a young man at the village.
When an army from the nearby town of modern day Itsosin invaded, the young Aremi blocked their path and challenged the king of the invading realm to a duel. The king accepted the offer and drew his sword, while Aremi wielded a fishing spear.
As the battle commenced, Anetos would watch with interest upon hearing from the patron of fates that an important moment would occur. Anetos took pity on the young Aremi and merged with the mans soul to help defeat the King. After the kings defeat Aremi tried to spare his life but the king's own commander Niran would kill him and order his men forward.
Anetos took over and with his flamed prevented the advancement of the army and would summon a great wall of flame to protect himself. The men would soon after retreat and he would follow to their city and proclaim himself as their new king.”
Ilsairi dai Aremi; First Niranni Emperor
A Depiction of Aremi in his Later Years.
Mural of the Battle of Alire.
Relief featuring Lord Aremi Izara of Soranna from the Ishkerr Mural.
by Sivirri
Erjiman Suul dai Ilsairi Ketsing
Inherited Seal of the Ilsairi Dynasty, the seal being adopted during Aremi's reign


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