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Cult of the Fox

The Cult of the Fox


The Cult of the Fox are a notorious cult found primarily in Ischurrai and Soranna, being heavily persecuted by the Kirrentai. They are most renowned for their practices of shapeshifting, hedonism, thievery, orgies, and sacrifices.


The leader of the cult on a local level.
Members of the cult who have been gifted powers of shapeshifting, and have completed the assigned task using that shapeshifting on the equinox.
The most common role, members are those who are formally inducted into the order and some are even gifted the powers of shapeshifting on the solstice.
Initiates are those members who have yet to complete any rituals.


Shapeshifting - Summer's Rite
The Cult of the Fox are known primarily for their shapeshifting, although only the highest echelons are able to shapeshift fully. In a ritual on the solstice, a cultist with other members claims to sacrifice their soul to the "God of Cunning," who is an ancient Ingharan deity that has long since been shunned for his evil nature. The cultists dance and drink around a circle, with the sacrificed person in the middle. As a result of the ritual, the individual is given the gift of shapeshifting into an animal, the animal of which is often reflective of the soul of the individual with a strong aggressive man getting a boar or bear. Often, the powers are not complete as the individual can only grow some features like how lycanthropy works by creating a boarman. The most revered is the fox, which gives one the agility and whatnot that makes the best of thieves.
With these powers, other rituals can be completed such as the Equinox Rite. In the Equinox Rite, one must complete a task which the head priest gives upon the trainee individual; this can range from thievery to murder, but is often simple thievery. After the completion of this, the individual is inducted as an officer of the Cult of the Fox.


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