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Drakes and Dragons

Drakes and Dragons


Drakes and Dragons are a few related species that are renowned for their ability to pose a threat to people throughout the world.


Dragons are a rarer species native to isolated places that resembled a drake with wings. This is a catch-all term used for a variety of creatures such as wyverns as well.
Dragons are similar to drakes in anatomy, although they are typically much larger and have more pronounced horns and a longer tail. Some species even have spikes on their tails, or clubs that can be used to smash the armor of other creatures.
Life Cycle
Dragons typically hatch from eggs buried underground, and they claw their way to the surface. The dragons in their early stage appear similar to drakes, not developing their wings until later on. They in this stage are fed by their mother for a few months, in which they attack smaller animals while they are still grounded although this depends heavily on the species. They can live up to 300 years on many occasions.


Drakes are a species of large quadripedal carnivores native to much of the world.
They are similar to large armored lizards or crocodilians in general appearance. Many species have horns. Some that have evolved to eat turtles or crustaceans have club tails that they use to smash the shells prior to consuming them.
Life Cycle
Drakes lay clutches of eggs in sand, burying them in underground dens or simply on the shore. When the drakelings hatch they are guarded by the male, while the female hunts. Female drakes of some species tend to be much larger. Drakes are fed by their parents for a while until they grow about three feet long, in which case they leave and enter the world on their own. They can live up to 100 years in the wild.

Great Serpents

Great Serpents are a dragon-like creature with an elongated body similar to a snake. They inhabit seas, deserts, or deeply forested regions typically.
Great Serpents are long and snakelike, covered in protective scales.


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