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The Fall of Heaven


The Fall of Heaven is a modern myth of the Niranni people that refers to an apocalyptic event that will occur, possibly resulting in the end of the universe. It is developed off of ancient beliefs that depicted a creator deity battling demons, as well as the universe being related to a great storm.

Proposed Timeline

The War of the Gods

It is believed that the Gods began a war against each other, with the god of darkness Sanri confronting the creator Anetos. It is said that this event occured in the year 966 and resulted in the shattering. It is said that the war is either going to end in the victory of Sanri in which the universe is consumed by imbalance, or the victory of Anetos in which the status quo continues without the corruption of Sanri who will be reborn in a form that is able to maintain balance.

Path I: The Worldstorm's Growth

It is said that if the god of creation loses the great war of the gods, nine thousand years (poetic for immeasurable) of suffering will follow. The suffering will only end once the blight of Sanri consumes the roots of the great tree holding back the worldstorm, allowing it to consume the universe and remake itself in the next cycle. On the other hand, if Anetos wins and all darkness is purged, then a similar result will occur due to the universe being in imbalance. This is considered the bad path due to the fact that the suffering will have to predate the recreation of the universe.

Path II: Eternal Stasis

It is said that if the god Anetos defeats Sanri, then the end of the world will be delayed. The universe will continue on as it has for time immemorial; the worldstorm will remain restrained, the kingdom of heaven will survive, and the corruption will be restrained. This is considered to be the good path, as the spirits of all who have come before will survive and everyone will be able to live in peace in the spirit realm until the next age if it occurs.


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