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Istranna, City of Marble



  Istranna, the majestic marble city, is home to many palaces and gardens. The jewel-encrusted bridges that unite the man-made isles jointly sustain entire communities. Warships and river vessels may be seen sailing along the watery pathways of the submerged lower homes. In the higher district of the city resides the Akhamne Palace, the beauty of Saint Anne's Ishen, surrounded by magical gardens. The Grand Alaios Path is one of the garden paths; it is well-known for its battle medals and its imperial guard, who continue to police these gardens. If you wanted to speak with the Grand Duke, you would be taken to his gorgeous court, which was filled with all sorts of artwork, some of which was attributed to Saint Silhdere Irthak himself. Many would see odd individuals, such as those of tiny stature but heft, as well as those with oddly, pointed ears and a silky complexion. There is no doubt that the soaring towers of the Grand Dukes are the glory of Anosfae, on top of which he sits. The rivers flow in the north, where old ruins that were once a sanctuary for criminals and degenerates are now being restored as the city's population expands. The city's districts, from the palaces to the docks, are all exquisite. Each area is dutifully cleaned and kept in good condition by either the Architect's guilds or other organizations.

Mystic College of Istranna

  One of the most esteemed universities in the world, Mystic College of Istranna is surrounded by a large community of scholars known as the Orkafai (People of Mana). The acts of Scholarly endeavour and Earth (Misrkani) or Wave (Uorkani) magics have long been a specialty of the Mystic College. It is no surprise that the Mystic College is home to many Sirii, Anatorii (Asteri), and Vorafarii (Vasteri) scholars and mages, in fact, it stretches across an area as large as an entire village. There still exists a mystical well that was carved by the renowned mage Irekros that resides in the great spire of a tower that he constructed. Despite the fact that Irekros's well is forbidden to outsiders and the lower ranks of the universities, it is rumoured that the well is a source of abyss magic, but the university denies such accounts of abyss magic. Silhir Iren, the current curator of the Mystic College, possesses strong willpower. Upon taking over Mystic College, he enforced policies that were deemed extreme at the time by some. College candidates must undergo a test of arcane ability called the trials as part of one of their policies. It effectively shuts out everyone who isn't qualified to enroll at the University. In order to restrict access to the Mystic College, ordinary people could not access the storage of spells; therefore, only the college's official mages could sell spells.  


  Istranna, with its extraordinary marble buildings and gorgeous statues, was originally the southern capital of the Ingharans. There is a sophisticated subterranean sewer system beneath the city, complete with structures and labyrinths that are still in use today. The Grand Duke's esteemed explorers and soldiers have only mapped a small portion of these labyrinths and sewers, maintained them, and placed them under his authority. Some significant portions are not, and travelling in these areas requires additional personnel and security. Daizan, son of Norkor 'Nithdil', Ruler of Anasurae, transferred the capital from Loh'den (Lohnare) to Isdrannan (Istrannae) after he was crowned the Tsen Ahjara (Etneral Holder of the Mountains). Daizan would begin creating what would eventually become the contemporary city of Istranna, preserving much of what was already there and employing the distinctive Ingharan style of architecture. The palace is supposed to have served as the starting point for the reconstruction of Istranna, with the rest of the city being rebuilt afterwards. The Ahjarnan (main building of the palace) was built at the northernmost end of the primary roadway as an acknowledgment of the Tsen Ahjara's power, making the building visible from anywhere in the city so that everyone in the city might take in its splendour.
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