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The Motko Muskox


The Motko Ox is a large, relatively uncommon, species of mammal that inhabits the subarctic and alpine regions of northern Enzhial and Nirann. It lives in herds of 20-50 and is relatively large in side. They are predated on by drakes, wolves, bears, wolverines, and great eagles; wolves account for most of the predation on the species.


The Motko Ox is a large shaggy beast with two horns and thick woolen coats that protect them from the icy winds and snowfall of the north. They are quite formidable in size, with them ranging up to 2m tall at withers. Their weights vary from 350 to 1200 lbs with an average around 650. They live anywhere from 14 to 24 years in the wild.

Geographic Range

The Motko is a large subspecies of Muskox that feeds on the many lichens and plants of the arctic, preferring colder environments. It is found in its largest herds around the northern great lakes of Enzhial and the peninsula west of it.


The Motko has a hardy stomach, which it uses to feed on many of the plants of the north. It primarily feeds on lichen, but also eats mushrooms and whatnot in the spring. It is notorious for its ability to eat foods contaminated with Alisay or blight, being drawn to sources of the blight for the nutrition it gives them.

Human Contact

The Motko has not been domesticated truly, but some of them are herded somewhat by the nomads of the steppe who sell them as a way for people to purge their villages of the Alisay blight. The Motko as a result has found itself living far outside its native range among the Lamnuvoi and in Lhuvelan'de.
Range of the Motko Green: Common
Yellow: Uncommon Red: Rare
Blue: Introduced


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