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Niranni Creation Myth - Selasis



The Selasis is the name for the myth believed by many Niranni that tells the story of the origin of life on the mortal plane. It varies by time and place, but it tells the origin of the elements coming together to create the first life on the planet.

Ithellenoi Version

The people of Ithellen believe in the Odagenos, the birth from water. They believe that the original beings stirred in the primordial sea, and that gods originated from the primordial sea. From the primordial sea, the gods conflicted and lived their lives until eventually the goddess of love Marae entered into the sea, and as she exited the first mortals were formed from the water that fell from her onto the lands.
The first animals sprung out and populated all the lands, while the first humans were yet to be created. The god of craftsmenship Safaros shaped the ideal life form from clay as a way to express the glory of the gods in mortal form, using asking the goddess of love to birth the souls of these beings. The meeting of Safaros and Marae created the first mortals this way, with the leftover souls being thrown back into the sea, where it met the first beings that Safaros was working on, and thus nymphs and sirens were born. As gods died and fell into the sea through conflict with each other, other beings were birthed as the sea gave form to things like demons and spirits.
This version of creation is most often believed by a few who live on the southern coast of the Ithellenoi lands, with it falling out of favor by many after being refined during the imperial period and merging with the Soranni version of beliefs.

Auric Version

The Ischurri tribes in days ancient once believed that a primordial sea dominated all of existence from which life was created by Anetos and Fameis when they stirred the sea, giving creation to the first mortals. These mortals were placed on islands dredged up by the gods, who created their own kingdom in the heavens.

Tsennaro-Ingharan Version

In the Ingharan tradition, the universe was also a chaotic place dominated by a great thunderstorm that sat over a primordial sea of nothingness. The gods and stars were created from this thunderstorm, and after a great war between gods, Anetos came on top and divided up the universe between the victorious gods by using his spear to dredge up land that became the spirit realms. The gods who refused to submit to this new order fled into the primordial sea, or created their own lands at the edge of the known universe. Mortals were subsequently created when the weakest of spirits were given their own piece of land severed from the spirit world to prevent the wicked spirits from destroying them.


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