BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



In Sehajari (Way of Etneral Law), the greatest diety, Anathraj, is actually two dieties: his female counterpart, Isuraja, is more akin to a cosmic force that supports and is in everything, including the gods and everything, including everything from an ant to an elephant. Isuraja is multifaceted; she is frequently identified as Anathraj's wife and even sometimes as a goddess of power, strength, and protection. The masculine side of Anathraj is Ayatana, who is known as the scholar, the creator, and the sustainer. He is the supreme deity who created all with Isuraja by his side, because without her, "Ayatana is nothing but a corspe without Isuraja." Within these two exist other gods and deities. Isuraja, as Anathraj, is one of the six equal forms of God. The six deities are Isuraja, Ayatana, Anjahan, Surahni, Raagi, and Balhdaan. But depending on the many different sects and traditions, the last god can depend on a personal favorite god or a cultural one. It consists of the worship of six deities set in a quincunx-esque pattern where, in the center, Isuraja and Ayatana sit or their other manifestations.  

The Great Seven Gods


Isuraja, Goddess of War and Strength, is the mother and protector of all. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and war. Isuraja's legend centers around combating evils and the blight that threaten peace, prosperity, and justice, representing the power of good over evil. She is believed to unleash her divine wrath against the wicked for the liberation of the oppressed, which entails destruction to empower creation and her children. Isuraja is often depicted as a beautiful woman, riding a lion or tiger with many arms, each carrying a weapon and often defeating the blight.


Ayatana, the God of Knowledge, is known as the scholar, the creator, and the sustainer. He is the one who, after destroying his mortal enemy, Usruha, used his body to recreate the many worlds and stars, which all sing of his creation to this day. He watches over and blesses everyone. Planets, stars, and galaxies spinning far beyond speech, he has no end and no beginning. He is described as an old and beared man sitting on his lotus throne.


Asirpa, the god of the forge, blacksmithing, work, and swordsmanship. Known as the great swordwielder, he is the one who foraged the weapons of Isuraja and gave the knowledge down to the humans. Through him he creates the weapons which supported both mortal and God alike, giving him the epithet of destroyer of blight and evil. The Sehajari sometimes even the Ilhjahi worship their weaposn as manifestations of Asirpa, as after all he is known as the Sarkalh (all iron).


Surahni, the God of the Sun, is the great luminous friend of all mankind and the illumantor of the world. He is known as the great fire that sustains the world and is known to burn out all blight with his light. Surahni is often depicted as riding a chariot harnessed by horses, often seven in number to indicate the seven days in the week.


Raagi, the Goddess of magic and song, Her everlasting song is what keeps the world's magic alive. It was she, with her Ieehla (a type of instrument similar to a Rabab), who sang the stars and planets of the countless cosmos into being. She is a spiritual goddess who encompasses all that purifies the essence and identity of a person, including knowledge, the arts, music, melody, muse, language, rhetoric, eloquence, and creative activity. She is frequently portrayed as riding a peacock and having four arms: one for holding a rosary, the other for holding Raagi's chants, the third for holding a water jug, and the fourth for holding her Ieelha.


Anjahan, the God of the Hunt, is known as the forester, hunter, and caretaker. He is the great stag, known to be the one who populated the world with prey and predators. Anjahan is often depicted as a man with antlers who holds a snake in one hand and a spear in the other. He is widely worshipped as Iydrami, who is his manifestation, who is the slayer of snakes and the enemy of the invading Utumi. Often by his side is a dog or falcon, depending on the culture.


Apakuar, the god of the sea, is responsible for both the mercy and wrath of the ocean. Apakuar is also the guardian of moral law, one who punishes those who sin without remorse and who forgives those who sin with remorse. Just as he judges who can cross the great ocean of the mortal, he decides who will be able to escape and cross the world ocean and become one with Anathraj or the many other heavens and hells.  

The Ancient Siri Gods


Isirse, Goddess of War, Wisdom, Love, Beauty, Poetry, and Victory. Harbinger of Death and Sustainer of Life. She is the mother of all Siri and every single life form; it was she who destroyed Ravkana and his evil blight and out of that, she created everything from the stars to the smallest of creatures. She is grand and beautiful, just as her creations are. In honour of Isirse teaching Siri magic, they worship her in grand rituals of fire and magic.


Orhan is the god of the Eternal Steppe, horses, hunting, archery, and the sky. Orhan the Bloodthirsty is the god who taught the Siri how to fight and conquer, and they pay tribute to him with the blood of animals and people alike. Orhan, known as the slayer of dragons and the eternal sky, is the father of all, just as Isirse is the mother of all. It is he who will bring the end to the world in a grand battle and out of that, he will revive the world and set it in a new cycle without corruption and blight.


Ahzirpat is the god of swordsmanship, blacksmithing, and working. Known as the great blacksmith who aided in forging the mortals with Isirse. He is the one who taught Siri how to forge weapons and armour. In honour of him, they worship their weapons as manifestations of him. Through him the destructive force of the mortal mind is brought out.


Tasuraya is the goddess of the eternal flame, heat, the sun, and hearth. She is the one who lights and tends the world while it is day. It is during her reign, when the sun is up, that the fauana and flora awaken and flourish. In honour of her, the tribes would tend a holy fire to sustain the tribe.


Apavste, God of the Moon (the big one; the other smaller ones are his sons), and Song. He is the husband of Tasuraya, once united as a couple now forced to be separate and guard day and night. There are times where they unite but those are few and do not last long. It is said that in the end times of the Avahseth, they will be united forever and bring darkness to the lands. In honour of Apavste, many will sing and make poetry during his time of reign, when the sun is down after a long day of work and hunting.


Hvantah is the goddess of the air, wind, storms, water, and justice. Just as Orhan is ruler of the Etneral Steppe and Mortals and the Isirse ruler of the celestial realm, Hvantah is ruler of the airspace and the winds, controlling the storms and furious winds of the mortal plain. She is in between the two worlds and is the judge of who can cross into the celestial realm, as she is merciful and wrathful just as the wind and ocean are. In honour of her, Siri used her winds as navigation to travel and journey.


Anahvir is the goddess of fertility and vegetation and the guardian of fauna and flora. She is the wife of Orhan; she is the one who populated the world with her offspring and her beauty. She is said to be the second mother figure, with Anahvir taking on the role of caretaker while Isirse is the protector, just as a lion protects her cub. In honour of her, great feasts would ve made, which would be given out, everyone in the tribe would take time to appreciate life and pray to the gods.
Ituahai, also known as the Manifestation of Ahtrya
The Holy Banner of Isuraja, depicting the Lion, which she rides into battle
An Anesari Religious Teacher


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