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The Earthrend



The Earthrend is a unique type of natural disaster that can be found throughout the world, although it is exceedingly rare. The Earthrend is an event in which the earth is ripped in two, creating a gash or ravine in the earth.

Notable Earthrends

Pre-Recorded History

Umarillen Lake
It is said that the massive lake Umarillen in the north of Enzhial, was created by a massive earthrend thousands of years ago. Marin tribes in the area have legends saying that the god of the earth broke the earth in two to have a pot to cook his food in, the legend being inspired by the hot springs in the area.
Taithari Chasm
The legendary Taithari chasm was possibly created by an earthrend or meteor impact. There is disagreement on which.
Hiroval Sea
The Hiroval Sea is an example of a large continental rend, in which the continent itself was split. The west became a large peninsula as a result.
Talasan Rift Valley and Lakes
The Talasan rift region was created when mountains were rended apart, creating a flooded valley that has become the source of civilization for the snakefolk of Talasa.  


Nippaneh Rend
Around the year -600, a rend occured near to the city of Nippaneh that led to the nearby lake becoming connected to the sea. It is said that the city of Nippaneh's western section was largely swept away as a result.
Great Emmnal Rend
The Great Emmnal Rend was a series of three rends that occured within a year, causing the deep gashes into the coast that the region is known for. This event occured around the year -500, as recorded by Marin.
Ithellen Rend
The Ithellen Rend occured around -1800, expanding the valley, flooding several towns on the river and creating a large lake. It is recorded in ancient legends as an example of the wrath of the gods.
Cinoki Rend
In the year 732, the isle of Cinoki was rended from the mainland of Koisha. Local legend says that the isles inhabitants were mistreated by the local governor and plead to the gods for aid, which they gave through the rend that seperated them.
Shattering Rends
Many areas were rended because of the shattering, such as the isles of west Paldakhuerr, the isles between Enzhial and Nirann, as well as others.


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