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The Great Rot

The Rot


The Great Rot is a disease originating in Enzhial sometime around the 900s during the conquests of Suigan. At that time, it was found in a few sparse villages and it rocked mainly the empire of Lhuvelan'de. Later on, it ravaged almost three quarters of the geographic world and up to half of the population of some areas.


Beginning Stage

0-7 Days After Infection - The disease initially has no symptoms bar the feeling of lethargy and magic ability lessening.

Early Stage

5-10 Days After Infection - Soon watery eyes and coughing begins, occasionally boils; in this stage it is the most contagious.

Middle Stage

1-2 Weeks After Infection - Painful rashes and boils spread, vision is reduced and hearing as well.

Late Stage

2-3 Weeks After Infection - It is difficult to breathe, bleeding from the eyes and mouth. In severe cases, the ears and nose may rot away, in these cases only 10% or so survive.

Death or Survival

3-6 Weeks After Infection - The infected either dies or survives. In case of survival, 20-30% of the survivors face asthma like symptoms for the rest of their life.


The Beginning

The disease was initially discovered near a blighted town in Lhuvelan'de, and that town was burnt and the survivors trapped in a mine. When it was resettled in the 1190s, the settlers opened the mine and were accosted by zombies, which caused them to begin contracting it. The settlers, assuming it was blight, tried to treat it but failed. As caravans had passed through the town, it has already begun spreading.

The Spread

The caravans spread the plague far and wide destroying empires far and wide until it reached as far as Nirann in the 1220s. It tore through the area, allowing the Essukad to invade the delta region before succumbing to the disease and spreading it even further to Talasa and the eastern hemisphere through traders. As a result, up to half of the world's population died in some area.


In Enzhial, the deaths allowed for the guilds of Orazhnavel to take power from the king as people began to join guilds for help in procuring medicine. In the Lhuvelan'de empire, the states fractured due to the central government going into chaos and entering a quarantine.
In Nirann, the population was hit particularly bad which allowed for the Ataarad invasions to take the delta and push into Anosfae for some time before they caught it themselves and were pushed out. This spread caused many of the wars to go on hold for a few decades, something unthinkable for Nirann. In Narmag, many tribes were wiped out and consolidated, slaves revolted and the disease survived isolated so that the disease persisted in waves until the 1510s. By 1568 the region had yet to truly recover, bar the western coast which was on the rise again.
In Talasa, the disease almost entirely wiped out the endangered Junumarin, a type of Marin with pitch black skin that were known for being able to use magic to bend metal. The disease largey spared the south though, allowing for empires to rise.
In Meredonn, the effects of the disease are unknown.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmitted through fluids and contact.


Tracable to the witherance.


Traditional Medicine Encouraged, No Guaranteed Cure.


Fatal in 50% of Cases for Most.
Magic Adepts - 30% Survival Rate.


Asthma among 25% of Survivors.

Affected Groups

Effected All Sentient Life.

Hosts & Carriers

Carried by Animals and Humans.
Chronic, Acquired


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