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The Shattering

The Shattering of Mirios


The Great Shattering, or in Imperial as the Ekori Arsung, was perhaps the single most devastating event since the creation of the universe. In the year 966 since the founding of Soranna'cii, the god of corruption Sanri waged a war against all of the heavenly realms. During his war, Sanri besieged the seat of the Emperor of Heaven, Anetos, causing the lord to begin great battle with Sanri. In this battle, Sanri and Anetos engaged in a drawn out struggle that saw the corruption of the witherance infect Anetos as he was to defeat Sanri. In order to prevent himself from falling to the withering and becoming a greater threat than even Sanri, the lord of the heavens shattered into many beings. While Sanri had to retreat, his forces were able to wreak havoc across the lands and were even able to overrun the defenses between the spirit and mortal realm through overwhelming the titan Yirs. This caused many dark spirits to enter into the mortal realm and feed off of the mortals.


In the mortal world, the night sky of the sixth month of 966 was lit up as a series of comets flew across the world and spirits began to emerge from the firmament. The spirits ravaged the lands, causing almost every empire to fall as people retreated to their local communities for aid. Due to the corruption of Sanri seeping in, a series of great witherances began as well, causing further destruction.


In Nirann, the lands were rocked and didnt recover for decades as people feared the emergence of spirits once more, leading to places like Anosfae and Soranna becoming focused on the city-state; In lands like Gentarien and Ischurrai, tribes began to battle for control over lands best for farming. Perhaps the worst event in all of Nirann though, besides the witherance and spirits, was that of the natural disasters: a great tsunami rocked the coasts of the Soramari-Majar sea, causing Soranna to be destroyed as it sunk halfway under the waves and was occupied by dark spirits for centuries; Tornadoes rode across the plains of Thadia and Ischurrai as wind spirits battled in the skies; Earthquakes struck across the Gendur and Dazhin as the great dragon Hesstara battled his way through the underground and arose in Dazhin region to save the region from the blighted titan Gessaen.
The large state as an institution largely died for centuries in this period as only the Gentari Khanate survived, while the rest of the country shifted to relying on local lords and clans to protect them. The War of Shattered blades between two of these clans further shook the recovery of the region as the clans in Soranna proclaimed their empires only to be unable to hold anything together. In the 1100s the Thadians would unite and expand outwards, marking the first major state since the shattering that wasnt Gentari.


In Talasa, the north was hit with the same series of disasters that struck the Niranni. A great series of dust storms would rock the deserts, and the snakefolk of the south would take this as an opportunity to invade and enslave many before retreating to their homeland. The storms lasted for a hundred years as much of the eastern part of the continent was struck by severe famine, leading to clans competing for control and relying off of fishing on the coast while the snakemen took over the interior. In the west, spirits deep in the jungle pushed outwards and attacked cities. Those along waterways were able to best weather the storm due to their ability to receive help from other cities. Eventually, rulers of prosperous cities like the governors Ra'ulmur and Nochezi took power and created their own kingdoms. In the north, the states faced frequent typhoons and the same tsunami that rocked Soranni. As the North became unstable, many fled to Nirann where they strengthened the Essukad kingdom.
The continent would be back on the recovery by the 1200s as the spirits were argely pushed back, and demons halted.


In Enzhial, the Sitiric peoples divided into many clans to fend off the invasions, with the adventurers guilds of Orazhnavel pushing back the demons from their capital and the main river valley. The Sitiric suffered greatly as they experienced their most severe witherance, seeing the plains largely pillaged. The old Orazhnavelic empire would fall by this point as the guilds took over and salvaged what they could, leading to a recovery beginning in the late 1000s although the region remained less powerful and prosperous as it was in the 900s. The Marin of Lhuvelan'de saw their god queen create a storm around the city with her magic, causing it to be safe from spirits for some time; she gave four disciples power to head in each direction and help defeat the spirits while she protected the capital. These disciples, known as the Wekai did their job in a few years, but were unable to prevent the sacking of the fringe territories. Since this event the Empire has largely been in decline, unable to battle the slow population birth rate as well as increase in threats from nomads and rogue spirits.


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