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The world at large has many different vehicles, from chariots, to boats to carts.

Horse-Drawn Vehicles


The Chariot was invented in northern Nirann where it was used by the proto-Niranni peoples to conquer the south from the humans of the region after they had domesticated the horse. It soon spread to Enzhial and to Talasa; it spread to Talasa from the Lammia fleeing the continent to the east.
Construction and Design
The chariots used were of varying design and construction. The wheels can even be spoked or bladed depending on the era.
Chariots can be traced to northern Nirann, where the horse was first domesticated. The ancestors of the Nahari Niranni peoples first used them to ride south down the Gendur valley and conquer it from the native Marin peoples. These Nirannic peoples launched invasions in many directions, leading to the collapse of many civilizations throughout the entire continent as well as causing mayhem throughout even Enzhial. In the end, the face of the western supercontinent was changed as a result of the device.
In Nirann, the chariot was a popular vehicle among chieftains in the Gendur valley remaining as the premier mode of transportation in Soranna into the Imperial Era. The device allowed the Niranni to conquer their way as warriors in the Ingharan period, while remaining a symbol of prestige until the development of the rickshaw and wagon.
In Talasa, chariots remained as a symbol of prestige among the Erganni peoples of the northern coast, where it has become a symbol of the warrior class despite the fact that they are outdated in the modern age. They simply fell out of fashion as boats and camel caravans were simply much more important in the long run due to the terrain and easy access to the sea.
In Enzhial, the chariot fell almost entirely out of fashion with the exception of charior racing in a few places such as Lirralvir. Despite this, they allowed for developments in the wagon and even the carriage that would eventually become popular in the west.
A Charioteer from Ancient Inghara


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