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War Drake

War Drake

War Drakes are a species bred by the Ischurri Kingdom for use as mounts by their elite riders.


Water drakes are native to parts of southern Nirann and are an uncommon sight in the modern age, but back in the day they were first captured by southern Niranni tribes and released against Soranni lines to cause havoc. The Soranni, seeing this, captured aggressive but weak baby water drakes, raised and bred them with the much more passive and armored earth drakes of the Gendur, producing the first war drakes after about two centuries. The first dozen war drakes were thus deployed on the field in the 500s against the enemies of the Empire, causing fear and panic among enemies of the realm. Thus, the war drake was cemented in legend as a species that could be used in battle against the particularly hard to break lines of the empire. After the shattering and the decline period of the empire, all but one breeding pair went extinct. This pair was hidden near the Imperial mausoleums, where a former officer kept them safe but couldnt get them to breed.
His generations went by and the drakes approached old age, when a clutch of eggs was finally produced in 1123. This clutch was hatched and the number of drakes stayed around one dozen until Atshara took over Soranna and began to subsidize and take over the process. The intervention of Atshara led to the drakes numbering over 100 in number, split between several hatcheries. These drakes were integrated as an elite force that were to be used as sorts of shows of power. The drakes became symbols of the prestige of Atshara, and to this day they are still bred and number around 100, with 40 of them being ready for combat with their riders stationed in Soranna City.


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