From there we roam Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Summer - 21, Eleint (9) - Maztica - New Waterdeep, Kultaka Salt Marsh
  • The crew returns to the landing site of the Gazer to relay the ideal location to set up an outpost to Baagrum. The center ruins of New Waterdeep that are largely intact.
  • They find that the site has also been attacked and Baagrum identifies the assailants as Harpers. He also has one captured.
  • The crew notices the apparent skill of Baagrums 'crew' in that they have slain almost 2 score of harpers, and only lost 4 themselves in the fight.
  • Yasen, Llewellyn and Lucyan decide to take over the interrogation of the prisoner and start by threatening him, despite his pre-softened situation being tied up in a tent and pummeled.
  • After continued pushing and some good insight into the prisoner, they discover the following interesting facts:
  1. Fallen is the one that helped the Harpers get to the island, and he is increasingly evangelizing his dead god's (Zaltecs) void, who is speaking to him apparently.
  2. He sided with the Harpers and convinced them to travel to the island in a dilapidated portal.
  3. The Harpers came with hundreds of soldiers to the island through the portal, but only one out of 5 actually stepped out on the other side, and those that didn't just, gone.
  4. The Harpers are here to thwart the Xanathars attempts to set up an outpost, claiming that they will fight Tyranny of Empires no matter where they are and that they are just worthless pawns.
  5. The remaining Harpers and Fallen are planning to head to the temple to get whatever secrets are there before the Chosen can.
  6. The Harper lady they fought was their leader and an official Harper Agent (higher rank?). He says they are in trouble if she escaped.
  • Yasen then kills the prisoner, afterwards reflecting on the questions that went unasked...
  • The crew of the Gazer seems even more disinterested in the work that Baagrum is doing than before, and maybe even unhealthy somehow, but they are left alone since they are the only known method to leave Maztica again.
  • The Chosen collectively decide that time is of the essence if they are to head to the Shrine, but do not know where it is other than that Fallen somehow knew the way from the Void speaking to him.
  • They decide that the only way to find it is to track Fallen and the Harper leader to follow them to the shrine.
  • The crew picks up two trails running in different directions from New Waterdeep and they decide to split up, Yasen, Llewellyn, and Lucyan following Fallen's trail, and Damien, Huden, Xifor, and Oudman following the Harper leaders trail. The decision is made due to the different methods needed to track the two trail types, magic vs physical survival skill.
  • The three following Fallen's trail south head into the woods, eventually coming to a ruined docks with numerous shipwrecks, and apparently one small boat missing.
  • The shortest path across the bay looks directly south so the three find a small boat and take off, only thereafter realizing they know NOTHING about sailing.
  • The three struggle to control the ship, with everyone falling overboard in shark infested waters. and the ship being wrecked against other larger shipwrecks, but they manage to swim ashore against the wind and the odds with Lucyan transforming to a snake and the others being dragged back by ropes.
  • Once ashore they find an abandoned boat that must have been Fallen's and begin tracking him again, this time into the salt marsh that blots the coastline.
  • The marsh proves to be a unique challenge but LLewellyn is able to trace broken brush and disturbed lilypads as the crew wades through giant mangrove waters nearly waist to chest deep in their pursuit.
  • Days later they are camped at night near a large willow like tree and spot some dancing lights in the woods. Fearful that they are being followed they investigate only to be drawn into the roots of a monstrous entangler tree that tries to strangle them, while the lights shoot lightning!
  • They flee into the night from what they learn are Will o' the Wisps, barely escaping with their lives, and force march in the darkness to be away from the area.
  • In the morning they realize they have wholly lost the trail as well as their entire direction (being unable to see beyond the foggy canopy) and begin to wander aimlessly, attempting to find a way out of the marsh.
  • After many days and dwindling supplies they discover by chance a ruined boardwalk that leads through the marsh, and they follow it until it comes to a estuary of salty lightly lapping water with a small island.
  • While crossing the island and the deep inlet on the remnants of a dock and bridge, they are attacked by Hunter Sharks that leap from the water, and the crew slays the first one before it gets close.
  • The second succeeds in grappling Lucyan off the dock and into the depths, and Sahuagin spring out in ambush to bite and stab the others! Lucyan is able to defend himself and teleport out of the water to back up Llewellyn on the island, summoning Giant Toads to aid them while Llewellyn has to resort to her rapier for combat!
  • Yasen is grappled off the dock by a leaping shark and dragged out the estuary toward the sea!
  • After slaying the Sahaugin, Lucyan transforms to an alligator and chases after the drowning ally, only to be stabbed back into his normal form by a thrashing Yasen who doesn't know the alligator is friendly.
  • They succeed in swimming back to shore though and the remaining sharks retreat to the ocean once the Sahuagin are all dead.
  • The nearly dead crew gathers their wits and jumps over the water (who wants to swim in that anymore!) to the other side of the boardwalk and continue away from the inlet.
  • Once a little away from the estuary, they find signs of catlike footprints, realizing that Fallen must have also come this way, and resume the tracking!
  • The crew then journeys for another day and exits the marsh to enter the valley finally, whereupon they can see the magnificent if not ruined shrine rising from the jungle ahead!
  • The next night camping there is a monstrous rumble underground and a behemoth worm barely crests the ground near them, just missing the campsite but tumbling the crew into a pit left in it's wake. They attempt to climb out and are just about to resort to magic when the other four Chosen are spotted on the edge of the new pit and offer to help them out.
  • Together again the crew rests and then heads out early toward the shrine, but as they approach the temples outer skirts, the ground again rumbles beneath them and they crumble down a collapsing tunnel, and are trapped in what appear to be ancient catacombs of the shrine.
  • The only way left to them is to head further into the dungeon to reach the temple itself!
  • Lucyan fends
The Chosen
Report Date
20 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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