
The Liar, The Wicked, The Cruel, The Dark One, The Great One, The Omnissiah, The Aperture of Chaos, The Channel of Ending, The one who reigns and needs not reign, The Ender, The Overlord Sheewrathomerandon (a.k.a. Keezor)

Not much in Faerun is known about the mysterious and evil wizard that was imprisoned by the Church of Bane except that he is ancient, and assuredly from another world. Some stories offer conjecture that he was a rival lich in a world with Vecna, resurrected from Lichdom to serve penitence using the corpse of Moander, creator of a massive sky city that nearly destroyed his home world when it crashed to the ground, and other even wilder tales, but very little evidence is available, and the wizard himself often speaks in half truths and supposition.

His form hints that he was once related to humans or elves, but belies all humanity in his presence if not in appearance. He is tall, with brown hair and golden yellow eyes, and sharp extended features fitting uncannily both those noble born and street raised. His very presence exudes a pressure of oppression and evil that seems to weaken those near him, like a heatwave that exhausts defenses and leaves souls bare against his sandstorm personality.

He was found in the Lost Shrine of Zaltec, imprisoned thoroughly behind an aspect of Bane that detects truths and servants and sealed away by a key that was locked in the underdark using the soul of a rogue sorcerer as fuel for the barrier. The Chosen retrieved the key, released the sorcerer, and undid the first gate to his prison, where they learned that the prison still has a final layer that can only be undone with powerful artifacts from Keezor's home realm.  Abigor apparently commanded a bargain with between Keezor and The Lord of Lies Cyric by invoking Keezor's true name using Huden's silver tongue: Sheewrathomerandon.
This bargain requires The Chosen to free him from the final gate.

Divine Domains

Lies, Magic, Death, Chaos

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and wiry, almost gaunt.  Regal and imposing yet wildly expressive.
Divine Classification
Demi-god and Prophecied Avatar of Cyric
Unending Evil
Current Location
Dirty Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and smooth


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