Dean James Wachbach Character in Mirrarium | World Anvil

Dean James Wachbach

Dean of the college of metamathematics at the Androcas University of Higher Mysteries, Dean Wachbach is eyeing the position of the President of the University. His current highest-priority goal is to prove that his students excel in their studies. As such he is quite strict on Jacqueline Blade and frankly kind of sick of Mike Messy and Vitor Dergraaf distracting her, though he wouldn't really mind if she joined the Sacred Order of the Aleftav Renaissance. Although he is not a member, he has great respect for the institution.   Despite wishing to reduce distractions from his students, he is a big fan of Ring Hockey, so doesn't complain too much about his student athletes continuing to play on the team as long as they manage to balance their workload and sport.
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