Drizella Character in Mirrarium | World Anvil


Drizella is a naiad who was stationed on an island near to Mt. Fuul, where The Time Machine was kept. She was cursed to remain on the island by a wizard, and when Redfoot the Relentless came to her island while exploring for a location to store his treasure, she agreed to protect it with a storm in exchange for the head of the wizard who cursed her. Unfortunately for her, killing the wizard didn't break the curse.   She was cursed because she flooded the wizard's village, but she did so because the village was encroaching on her waters. When The Crew met her, she agreed to drop the storm if they could break the curse. The Crew summoned the spirit of the wizard, who explained his side of the story, but they ultimately sided with the naiad. They defeated the wizard's spirit, which did break the curse, and Drizella not only dropped the spell but gave the party some boons - she enchanted some of their gear, and gave Tiki her Magic Horns.


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