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Basic Information


A harpy had the body of a human, but instead of arms they have large wings. The rest of their body is also covered with feathers.

Ecology and Habitats

Harpies can walk on steady ground, but they rather not. It makes them feel unsafe, so they rather fly around.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Harpies are carnivorous, they eat birds, bats, and small ground pray.


Harpies are living in a tight community. Once a year all females that are ready to be married are presented during a large gathering. They keep coming to the gathering until they are married.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Harpies can only be found around Rura.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First name



  • Cassius
  • Opiter
  • Flavius
  • Potitus
  • Vel


  • Nysise
  • Herminia
  • Dexsia
  • Ulpia
  • Pontia

Last name

  • Maro
  • Novellia
  • Saunio
  • Flavian
  • Sura
  Women get the last name of their husbands after they are married.  

Middle name

The men are the only once who would have a middle name, except they do not get it directly after birth. They are getting it right after they are married. Their middle name is their wive's first name. For example; Flavius Saunio marries Nysise Novellia, he will become Flavius Nysise Saunio.  
Fantay name generator link

Relationship Ideals

Same-sex couples are not super common, but not because they are not allowed.

Common Dress Code

Because of their feathers they were almost no clothing. This because it becomes too hot.   They only wear clothes during the large gathering were marriageable women are presented. But their clothes are made from thin/light fabric.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Once a year all females that are ready to be married are presented during a large gathering. They keep coming to the gathering until they are married. A girl that would enter this gathering for the first time is called a debutante, and often they are ignored by the suitors. This is because they wanted their wives to be full members of the society and not a white canvas.
by Heroforge
Average Height
1,75 meters
Average Weight
60 kilograms
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by dimitrisvetsikas1969


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