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Material Characteristics

The Golden Yellow thick and sticky content is called Honey, it is a material made by the honey bees. The worker bees are venture out of their comfortable nests on the lookout for pretty flowers to collect nectar. They all bring it back to the nest and make honey out of it.  

Physical & Chemical Properties

Honey is eatable, but also medical. You can use honey against burns and other skin injuries. It can also be used as antibiotics, for a sore through.  


  • Fructose: 32.2%
  • Glucose: 31.3%
  • Maltose: 7.1%
  • Sucrose: 1.3%
  • Water: 17.2%
  • Higher sugers: 1.5%
  • Ash: 0.2%
  • Other/undetermined: 3.2%

Geology & Geography

Bees and honey can be found in the warmer climate inside Mirror World. The land with the largest bee population is Spegkhio. It is one of the many trademarks of this kingdom.  

Origin & Source

The honey is made by Honey bees, which can be found inside their hives.  

Domesticated Beehives

domesticated hives are made by Wizards and Fairies with earth powers. They are large wooden boxes. In every box sits a separate colony of bees. The bees know which hive is theirs and do not border themselves with the other hives. After a year the bee holder, which is almost a fairy collects the honey from the hive. The bee holder those not every hive in one go, the beeholder those one nest every day. For this task they wear a special suite so that they will not get stung while doing their task.
by Pexels


Wild beehives

Wild beehives are all over the place and are not easily found. Those hives can be hiding in large trees or under a pile of rocks. Those bees also work inside their own hive and in side their own colony. The bee holder when they find a nest that they can reach leave the bees be. Until it is time for the bee holder to harvest the honey.

Life & Expiration

Honey can deteriorate into a sucker form, it becomes grainy. But it is still very sweet.  

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

Honey can be used in various products:  
  • Honey sweets
  • Antibotica
  • Mead
  • Soap
  • Skin care
  • Honey butter
  • Hot Toby
  • Spreads and dips
  • Candels


Trade & Market

Honey is one of the many trade markets inside Spegkhio. But it is a pretty common product.
Golden Yellow
Boiling / Condensation Point
212℃ or 413.6°F
Melting / Freezing Point
-20℃ or -4°F
Thick / Stickey
Common State
Related Species
Related Items

Cover image: by Lolame


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