BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


by __Jasmin__
The day started, but the sun was nowhere to be seen. The rain was pouring down, without remorse, the wind blowing an unforgiving could through Spegikhio. The fairies, centaurs and Naiads who called this land their home stayed inside their houses. Where it was dry and warm. Still there was always someone who needed to do some work inside the land. Otherwise, they would starve, otherwise they will drown in garbage. So Sadie Hazelfoot gathered all her courage and walked out of the door. With her water magic she formed a some kind of umbrella above her head. But it did nothing against the cold that blew right under it. Almost freezing it when she walked through her front yard to her. That was filled with crops and other kind of vegetables. Her little farm on the outskirts of a small city. She was not suspecting any help today, but normally her garden was filled with earth fairies. Helping her with weeding, and gathering the crops from the field. Sadie was not someone who liked to complain, and she got to work. Weeding out the weeds, gathering the corps. Picking fruit from the trees.   The day went on as normal. It even stopped with raining at one point. Maybe now her neighbors will come out of their houses and help her with the garden. But nobody did and the sky above her head darkened. And the cold wind picked up with speed. Lighting and thunder filled the air with tension. Sadie looked up and cursed softly. She needed to get inside quickly. She gathered the baskets, and ran inside. Closing the door right before the first beam of lightning shot towards the ground, landing a view meters outside her front yard. Sadie hold her breath for a minute when the thunderclap, echoed through the sky and made the earth beneath her feet shake. But she relaxed for a bit, now that the first bolt of lighting landed near her house she would be safe, would she. But then she heard a crackle right above her head. And then her world exploded.   The lighting storm moved on, and the neighbors finally piled out of their houses. To run towards Sadie's house. Not to put out the fire, but to collect all the food. The God of the Storms looked upon them in shame. And guided his storm back, he let the lighting rain down on every other house in the neighborhood. Every fairy who thought it was alright to steal food, instead of trying to save their neighbor. Lost everything in the progress, and rain started to poor down on Sadie's house. Now every time a house has caught fire or a storm is about to brew. Everyone starts to chip in to help their neighbors.
— Legend of the Storm God chapter 5 written by Sadie Hazelfoot

Cover image: by Canva


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