Rainbow fish Species in Mirror world | World Anvil
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Rainbow fish

Basic Information


It is a small fish, with colorful scales. Which changes with every movement.

Genetics and Reproduction

A female Rainbow fish, lays a hundred egg in the pipe coral. The male rainbow fish only needs to cover them with his seed. But not all eggs are fertilized, by the same male rainbow.

Ecology and Habitats

The Rainbow fish lives near the ocean floor were it is warmer, but they can be found near the ocean service as well. The Sirens and Naiads have not discovered why this is.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Rainbow fish eats small shrimps and seaweed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rainbow fish are living in large pods, which can get to a social count of 2 to 4 hundred fish. When a predator like the Tiger shark comes too close they started to move in a way that seemed almost geographer. Their colorful scales make it even more difficult for predators, even if they can't see colors.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The scales are often used by the Naiads in jewelry. But also their meat is a delight, in Aupunimalalo and in the cities above.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The fish a fast like a rocket. Which makes it difficult to catch, for predators. Only the tiger shark is fast enough to catch them, but because of their color changing scales makes it still difficult for them.
Scientific Name
Arcus piscis
4 years
Geographic Distribution


  This article is an answer to beastiary challange.
Generic article | Jun 2, 2023

Cover image: by Canva


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