Unicorn Fertilizer Item in Mirror world | World Anvil
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Unicorn Fertilizer


This fertilizer or Unicorn crap as it is often called. It is used in gardens in and around Spegikho. This fertilizer is perfect for flowers and trees, but every seller advises not to use it for vegetables and fruit.   The reason for this is unknown, but some folks outside the Forest Kingdom Spegikho have their theories.  


Theory 1
Poison   Yep, they think that the fertilizer is just some kind of poison. That only effects the eatable plants, which of course is a strange but not far-fetched theory.  
Theory 2
Magic   Maybe in the same lane as the poison theory. It is believed that there is a substance inside the fertilizer that will drain magic from Wizards, and other magical creatures. Which is according the wizards inside Spegkhio, is nonsense.  
Theory 3
Transformation   To stay with the magic side effects, it is believed that food that was fertilized with the Unicorn fertilizer transforms the person who eats it. Some say that it will transform you into a Unicorn, others say that this is were the Chipmugs come from. But this again is just a theory which is not being proven. And the Chipmug theory is also a bit far-fetched. This because the small creature appears inside countries that do not use the fertilizer.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good
Current Location
Owning Organization
Base Price
20 silver acorns


  This article is an answer to beastiary challange.
Generic article | Jun 2, 2023

Cover image: by cocoparisienne


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