
Elder Lord Time (a.k.a. Axionexus)

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sundial


Final Dawn

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To prevent mortals from obtaining immortality

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

It has no official physical form, as it’s incorporeal. It can choose to take on physical forms to communicate with mortals, appearing as various combinations of animals to display its opinions on the people it talks to.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As an Elder God, Axionexus has always existed, being the embodiment of time. It formed a council with other gods of its kind to maintain the balance of existence, pulling strings from behind the scenes to ensure the cycle of life and death continues.   Axionexus has always had a sort of inflated ego, believing that time itself is what allows the universe to grow, shrink, and change. Part of this belief extends to the lives of mortals, believing that it goes against the nature of change to allow mortals the chance to escape death.   Time has always been a natural antagonist in general, but nothing compares to the actual god who embodies it. It’s unknown what its goals are, other than that it’s desperate to keep the chaos that naturally exists within the universe. God give mercy to anyone who gets in Aionexus’ bad side. Some argue Lady Merthicz may be falling into it.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that entropy and chaos is a natural part of life and considers it a part of its duty to cause it as well as keeping order. Naturally tries to take lead because of this, even using his kid the god of hierarchy for his goals. Never inherently malicious, but also not inherently benevolent. Whether or not he’s nice depends on both his mood, how compliant others are to his whims, and how much respect he has for the morality and beliefs of others.   Axionexus believes that entropy and chaos are natural parts of life and considers it a part of its duty to cause it if no one else will. It doesn’t believe in strict malevolence or benevolence, just that the only thing that matters is keeping order and balance to the universe. It believes that its entire existence is dedicated to keeping order, and thus has little patience for anything that doesn’t align with its goal.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

It’s able to go with the flow of events even when they don’t go in its favour, though at the same time it’s quick to anger when other beings contradict its plans.
Divine Classification
Elder God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Elder God of Time
Current Residence
The 10th dimension
It/its, doesn’t mind other pronouns

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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