Bird of wealth


In a remote village surrounded by dense forests, a humble woman named Elara discovers an extraordinary bird with shimmering, iridescent feathers unlike any she has ever seen. Recognizing the rarity of her find, she carefully brings the bird home. News of her discovery spreads quickly, and wealthy merchants and nobles from distant lands come to see the magnificent creature, offering Elara substantial sums of gold for the bird. However, Elara refuses to sell, believing the bird to be a divine gift.   One night, the bird begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful melody, which Elara soon realizes has the power to heal and bring good fortune. As word of the bird's miraculous abilities spreads, people flock to Elara’s home, seeking cures for their ailments and blessings for their endeavors. In gratitude, they shower Elara with gifts, transforming her humble abode into a bustling sanctuary of wealth and prosperity.   Over time, Elara’s wealth allows her to help her village flourish, building schools, hospitals, and temples. The bird, revered as a divine messenger, becomes a symbol of hope and prosperity.

Historical Basis

The only historical part about it is that a woman named Elara existed who found a rare iridescent bird.


The myth is far spread and widely believed by most, especially those in the peasant class.

Variations & Mutation

There are many different retellings of the story, with a majority of revisions differentiating between what Elara does with the bird and how exactly she comes into wealth.

Cultural Reception

The myth is well-loved, much to the point of believing it to exist fully. There’s even as holiday to celebrate the bird, and when it is seen in person, people go to great lengths to try and capture them. More-so, many religious organisations even own as pets, including the Singyue Kalko and the Ikurini So Guild.
Date of Setting
5th of Meirch, 836 AA

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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