Climate in Fzalder

Thank the gods for fireflies to warm our home,
and the redwood trees for its nostalgic cornerstone.
Overgrown trunks of sacred tomorrow,
Sparkling with cozy glow.


The history of the climate in Fzalder is certainly interesting, as it’s the only country in the world kingdom to be altered in some way deliberately to fit the needs of the population. Climate change, even when controlled by the gods, still has quite a bit of impact on the environment. From melting snow in the tundra regions, to multiple lakes forming and interconnecting, and even an increase in extreme weather, it’s currently being debated that it might be in everyone’s best interests to fix the climate.
  There’s many sides to the argument on what to do for the environment, especially as demons more often than not need higher environmental temperatures than the surface-dwellers. In this article we’ll briefly talk about each side of the argument in addition to the consequences.  

Information about the climate


Modern Fzalder climate


by ArtisticArmoury

In the modern era, most parts of Fzalder stay rather warm, usually above 75°F all year around, but never goes below 50°F except in the most northern parts of the country. To keep the country at that temperature range, Lady Merthicz utilises fireflies; known for their ability to warm up the area around them with both their light and through vibration.
  That, in combination with many ivierae actively planting redwood trees, has allowed the forests in Fzalder to flourish with a vibrant red of the trees. They’re very important in ivierae culture, with even many towns using those trees as shelters and temples. With the help of wood elf allies they’re able to create stable towns located within the forests themselves.

Fzalder climate during the AA period


by ArtisticArmoury

In the time when ivierae were first moving to Fzalder, climate varied much more across the whole country. Lady Merthicz was already working on prepping the country for Erebos and its creations so it was habitable, but this was before any major changes happened as a result of the climate change.
  Where the equator is, it stayed at a consistent 80°F in the AA period. The North and South were the coolest parts of the country, ranging between 30-60°F during the various seasons. The South had a wide open grassland nearby a small cliff before redwood trees were planted in the area to make a small forest. It still retains some open grassland, but as much.

Impact throughout the country



Because of the country heating up, much of the perma-frost in the North melted. Many lakes became one as the ice melted, and more rivers appeared. Above the mountains in the North, there even exists a large patch of marshland. It’s also caused much of the perma-snow in West Jyalb to melt. Weather wise, it’s begun to become unpredictable with lots of storms and hurricanes appearing as of late.  


Some humans in the area left the country as it got hotter. Dragons started moving in, though tended to stick around the higher elevated areas. Fzalder has a very large population of demons as it’s one of the few countries where they can live comfortably  


Farming became easier as the land became much more fertile with help through Lady Merthicz who wanted to utilise the previously frosted over areas. Currently this has led to a production of fruits and berries, being the largest country with an export of fruit.  


Cotton became the second largest export of Fzalder, which they often traded for linen or other materials to make a cae with. Their largest exports are strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and lemons. Trade with human nobles is surprisingly high, but they appreciate some delicious fruit when they can get it.  


  The act Lady Merthicz performed was greatly appreciated by all, so much so they put together a big celebration when Spring finally arrives, in her name.   That being said, younger generations have begun to realise the effects it has, and are starting to rally together to advocate that Lady Merthicz help contain the climate issues, as they fear the weather will only get worse the hotter it gets. Racist nobles time to time try to co-opt the advocacy, believing that if they can get Lady Merthicz to completely reverse the climate then the ivierae and demons would leave.   Because Lady Merthicz can’t be reached easily by most mortals, they’ve tried going to Erebos about it, but it feels it’s a minor step-back for a greater cause. They’ve also tried going to the Highking to ask for support, but those who ARE able to make it to Darʌkys without being attacked are merely told that issue is out of his hands. He’s able to help in other ways like relief aid, but not when it comes to changing the mind of a god.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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