
Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  1. Silile
  2. R̊uso
  3. Che̊thachø
  4. Puso
  5. Te̊su
  6. Imøna
  7. Køzho
  8. Kehiko
  9. Øche̊
  10. Kohø
  11. R̊ur̊o
  12. Heropø
  13. Sepe
  14. R̊øhu
  15. Lizi
  16. Chile
  17. Lomi
  18. E̊zhø
  19. Izhe̊
  20. Tør̊e

Masculine names

  1. Sʌptø
  2. Mos
  3. Tŕuhs
  4. Iltŕik
  5. Chlis
  6. Trʌk
  7. Søzh
  8. Møm
  9. Hektŕe
  10. Kléthŕa
  11. Miŕlor
  12. Zhétpŕi
  13. Khuhrmli
  14. Øŕple
  15. Krilzu
  16. Chuhzh
  17. Tot
  18. Pøs
  19. Zhem
  20. Zhul

Family names

  1. Chimmeʌ
  2. Lemʌ
  3. Pøzh
  4. rʌtler
  5. Høta
  6. Pʌr
  7. Okløk
  8. Lachlam
  9. Sal
  10. Sap
  11. Thos
  12. Rél
  13. Timzhél
  14. Tølri
  15. Hétsø
  16. Lipta
  17. Ziku
  18. Zomøtmu
  19. Letlø
  20. Siŕa

Other names

  1. Ilmow
  2. Ilchirp
  3. Ilbʌk
  4. Aulilizha
  5. Ilwe
  6. Ilmø
  7. Ilscre
  8. Ilneigh
  9. Ilhøt
  10. Ilcaw
  11. Chøn
  12. Maze
  13. Muhze̊me
  14. Lazhø
  15. Thuhr̊o
  16. Chazh
  17. Izhe
  18. Me̊he̊
  19. Luko
  20. Sʉlœ


Major language groups and dialects

Culture and cultural heritage

Their culture stems all the way back to the beginning of Mirthae, giving them a feeling of superiority especially as they’re the capital that holds the Highking.

Average technological level

Their tech is rather advanced, having begun to merge magic with it to really advance it. They’re on the precipice of a technological revolution, giving them a larger-than-life attitude of sorts.

Common Etiquette rules

They believe in an unofficial caste system separated by class, and expect that those in the lower class look up to the wealthy and follow their lead.

Common Dress code

Aside for the gendered code they live by, they also expect everyone to dress as the caste they’re from. Nobles are able to wear intricate patterns while peasants wear simple patterns.   When ivierae slavery was legal, they had their own system that mimicked the regular one. All ivierae were expected to wear uniforms of their owners. Slaves of nobles were able to wear intricate patterns on their cae while the peasants merely had the insignia of the family they belonged to.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Everyone celebrates a birth, even racist nobles would celebrate the birth (or reincarnation) of an ivierae. The major difference between the two main castes is that the nobles will throw large lavish parties where the babies are immediately baptised in Fyayn’s name.

Coming of Age Rites

Darʌkesyans are considered to be of age when they’re able to make their own business without the aid of their parents, if they’re men. Women are considered of age when they’re able to properly manage a business or care or someone.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Peasants don’t do much for the dead aside for burying them and having an informal get-together to commemorate the dead. Nobles will throw “death parties” that last for days on end.

Common Taboos

Communism and charity are major taboos, believing that nothing comes for free.

Historical figures

Highking Änøy


Beauty Ideals

Their beauty standards are stuck in the past, with preferring that women look dolled up and puffy while the men are expected to dress as stylish as possible without compromising their ability to fight if needed, as chivalry is more attractive.

Gender Ideals

They believe in a clear divide in gender, with women being soft and frail and men being rough around the edges and the protectors.

Courtship Ideals

Relationships are like transactions to them, believing that there’s no point in courting someone if it’s not for the purpose of benefiting their business.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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