Farauna’s Flower

This parasitic flower belongs to a fae named Farauna. It’s a mark of her territory, and she isn’t afraid of using her flowers as weapons to ensure she keeps what she claims. The thorns on the flowers can grow at will and imbed magical energy in potential victims. This can cause people to either follow her cause, or poison them and risk killing them.   Because of its magical properties Farauna uses it as her primary defence for her territory. One of her favourite things to do with the flowers is make flower crowns, and allow people to wear it so the thorns will dig into their skull and directly imbue them with the flower’s magic. Those that survive this event live on to be secondary guardians.   The flowers have a slight sentience to them, acting mostly in self preservation. You can even talk to them. They may not fully understand what you say, but they can understand what you mean generally and pick up on emotional cues. Farauna calls them her kids for this reason, as the flowers react with a child-like wonder to them. An interesting fact about them is that each flower crown creates its own hive mind, and will develop a unique identity that slowly overrides the identity of the host, though do keep some aspects from the host. It’s unclear whether or not the host is assimilated to the hive mind, or if the hive mind merely copies what it sees.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most flowers it reproduces through pollination. A major difference with them is that they don’t need each other to reproduce, as they can use flowers of the asteraceae family. It’s likely to create variants this way, but they mostly turn out as the usual Farauna’s Flower.

Growth Rate & Stages

It grows rapidly, in the span of a single day

Ecology and Habitats

It prefers moderate temperatures, but can sometimes grow in the heat if need be.   It’s considered to be a parasitic plant, growing over already established plants and stealing their nutrients from them. It’s invasive and spreads quickly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When rooted in the ground it relies mainly on the sun and water to maintain itself. But once attached to another plant or a person it will primarily rely on their life energy to sustain them.


They act rather childish, not having a full grasp on everything going on around them. It’s just enough what they need to survive.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It has a high pool of magic within it to ensure its survival. Between producing poison, helping them communicate with people, and mind controlling others, they can be rather difficult to deal with if you get on their bad side.   They can hear, and use their oddly shaped leaves to pick up what someone is saying. You can actually see them twitch as they pick up on sound.
Conservation Status
It’s encouraged to destroy them on sight, as they’re very invasive
Geographic Distribution
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