Initiation for Singyue Kalko


Preparation Phase


Purification of the Candidate

  • Sacred Bath: The candidate undergoes a ritual bath with water infused with sacred herbs and flowers.
  • Incense Cleansing: The candidate is cleansed with the smoke of burning sage, cedar, or other purifying herbs. Preparation of the Sacred Space

Preparation of the Sacred Space

  • Altar Setup: An altar is prepared with symbols of the elements (earth, air, fire, water), offerings, and sacred objects.
  • Circle Casting: The space is ritually cleansed and a protective circle is cast around the area, invoking the guardians of the four directions.

Gathering Phase


Procession to the Sacred Site

  • Community Gathering: The community gathers and forms a procession, led by drummers and singers, to escort the candidate to the sacred site.
  • Chanting and Music: Traditional chants and music are performed to create a sacred atmosphere. Invocation of Deities and Spirits.

Invocation of Deities and Spirits

  • Opening Invocation: The High Sage invokes Singye, asking for her presence and blessings.
  • Calling the Quarters: Invocations are made to the spirits of the North, East, South, and West, inviting them to witness and bless the ceremony.

Conclusion Phase


Presentation of Sacred Items

  • Robe of Acceptance: The candidate is given a ceremonial robe, representing their new role.
  • Amulet of Protection: An amulet or pendant, symbolizing the Fae God’s protection and blessing, is placed around the candidate’s neck.

Community Blessing and Celebration

  • Community Blessing: The community forms a circle around the new initiate, offering individual blessings and gifts.
  • Feasting and Dancing: The ceremony concludes with a communal feast, music, and dancing, celebrating the initiate.

Closing the Circle

  • Thanking the Spirits: The High Sage thanks the spirits of the four directions and Singyue for their presence and blessings.
  • Dissolving the Circle: The protective circle is ritually opened, allowing the gathered energy to return to the earth.
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Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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