Laterrtis and Ukorsi Rebellion Military Conflict in Mirthae | World Anvil

Laterrtis and Ukorsi Rebellion

The Conflict


At the time, Highking Yøn was trying to spread pro-ivierae propaganda as tensions were still high after the war. The people of West Jyalb and Maefyzer at the time were dominated by people who believed that the ivierae were a threat to their way of life. Because of that they tried breaking off from the world kingdom when it was just in its infancy.


Both battles were fought in Maefyzer and West Jyalb, right at the capital cities for both kingdoms.

The Engagement

Highking Yøn had her soldiers fight fully face-on, knowing that there was not enough soldiers from the rebellion to fight back against the world kingdom for long.


Immediately after the war, the Laterrtis and Ukorsi kingdoms were reintegrated into the world kingdom. This unification brought both regions back under the central authority of the larger kingdom. As a result, the political landscape changed, and the people of Laterrtis and Ukorsi forcibly adjusted to the new governance structure.


The western side has always been more anti-ivierae as it’s where many of the lynç elves reside, and the opinion remains strong even after the war. They were content to let eastern Jyalb exist in silence, as long as it was separate from them. This persisted even after the war, demanding that they remain separate countries.   Even after being absorbed, both countries hold a lot of hostilities towards the world kingdom

Historical Significance


The war remains largely obscure and unfamiliar to most people, except for those who were directly involved in the rebellion. For them, the conflict is a significant part of their history, filled with memories of struggle and resistance. However, beyond their community, the details of the war and its impact are not widely recognized or discussed.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
640 AA
Ending Date
645 AA
Conflict Result
Mirthae won the war


The rebellion
Mirthaen Kingdom


Very minuscule
Very powerful


Very high, about 40% were killed
Roughly 10% were killed, with a few soldiers being held as prisoners in Kalich Ilmer.


To gain independence and eventually work to get rid of the ivierae
To reintegrate the two rebel kingdoms back into the world kingdom

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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