

Material Characteristics

A hexagonal piece of plasma tech able to hold its own shape. One single nanobot isn’t big enough to see with the naked eye.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Warm to the touch, almost life-like.

Geology & Geography

They seem to only naturally appear in Nirilf, mostly in the mountains.

Origin & Source

As strange as it sounds, they come from eggs that naturally form underground and sprout up once ready to hatch.

Life & Expiration

It’s so stable that it pretty much cannot decay. One nanobot could last for millions of years theoretically. The magic within it doesn’t decay whatsoever, and actually grows stronger the more it’s used.

History & Usage


The fae seemed to have always had a good understanding of nanobots. Those aware of its existence argue that it’s a rare plant-like magic material, while others argue that it was something made by the gods. They’re not sure what god exactly, though, as the Mirthaen Pantheon has never talked about its existence. They believe it may be an ancient god who existed long before Lady Merthicz herself.

Everyday use

It’s commonly used to create buildings, vehicles, and in rare cases servants.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It’s very sacred to the Nirilfin fae, often used in religious practises.

Manufacturing & Products

The nanobots can be used to mimic any material on the planet, perfect for camouflaging its existence.

Reusability & Recycling

They’re highly reusable, if you know how to program them. It’s often used to serve a single purpose, but can be used for a multitude of things.


Trade & Market

It’s highly sought after by researchers, but it’s not sold to just anyone. The fae are extremely particular about who they let know of this magical tech in the first place, let alone own it.


They’re rather easy to store because of how small they are. They can compact into small hexagons when they’re not being used for anything.

Law & Regulation

It’s so rare that even the Highking is unaware of its existence (or at least, should be unaware of it), so there’s no laws or regulations around it.
They’re incredibly valuable, though not many really understand the value of it. It’s often traded for a stack of gold bars.
Very rare, at least to find big enough ones visible to the naked eye.
Dark grey
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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