
Basic Information


They appear as a mix between elf and human, with long top fangs and bottom curved tusks. They have four eyes, and disproportionately long limbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can’t reproduce whatsoever as they’re considered undead. To create another Selveros, one of their kind must kill someone without fully eating them, and they must devour their soul.

Growth Rate & Stages

They don’t age, not do they have any growth stages

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on corpses exclusively. Though they’re rather passive and prefer to not cause death, they’re not above causing harm if they haven’t eaten for a while.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Because of their capability to mess with souls, liches love using them as an easy way to harvest souls.

Facial characteristics

Their faces look rather sunken in, with very pronounced cheeks

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found all over the world, but are most often found wherever a high death rate is prevalent and isn’t strongly protected by gods.

Average Intelligence

They’re very intelligent, though they may not always seem it when they’re very hungry.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have an incredible sense of smell, able to detect dead bodies up to 900 feet away. They can even smell when someone is close to death.   Magic wise, they have the ability to turn their bodies incorporeal to pace through solid objects at will. They also have the ability to fly, even without any wings of sorts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They often keep the names they were given at birth, though often don’t use their last names. If they’re powerful enough, they often give themselves a nickname.

Common Etiquette Rules

Though they have no culture, they do abide by vague hierarchies depending on who recently became a selveros. Selveros rarely ever read into territory claimed by an older selveros without good reason.


Colloquially known as ghosts, selveros have existed just as long as mortals have, but still despite their long history they have no culture to speak of, no defining society that makes them unique. All they care about is satiating their hunger, their desire to become whole again. They often stay rather neutral when it comes to politics, it becomes rather meaningless to them when they die and become undead.
Demon, undead
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Duochrome, yellow in some lights and green in others.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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